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Business Business Business achievement in The LEGO Movie Videogame (Xbox 360)

Business Business Business

Earn 1,000,000,000 studs.

Business Business Business0

How to unlock the Business Business Business achievement

  • RadiantViperRadiantViper
    10 Feb 2014 15 Feb 2014
    Here's a link to a guide I made. It has a full story walkthrough and the details for all collectible locations.

    Use Ctrl + F "Red Brick: Studs" to find the locations of all the multipliers (x2, x4, x6, x8, x10). You can get the first 3 as you play through the story but you'll need to wait until near the end/after the story for the other 2. Once you have all 5, activating them all will give a x3840 multiplier. Having them all active as you go through Free Play levels for collectibles will make this achievement come in no time.
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    oHIGHxINxAxBOXovery poor guide. going to your link just adds more work to locate what we need for the multipliers. why not add a video guide that includes which map, the red brick stud location and the character needed to obtain the desired brick
    Posted by oHIGHxINxAxBOXo on 22 Jan 17 at 20:29
    RadiantViperTakes about 10 seconds to locate the brick you need in my guide and it clearly states where and what type of character you need. I put a lot of work into the guide so I decided to post that instead of just linking a video guide. If you want to use one of those you're welcome to, but some people prefer text guides. Thanks.
    Posted by RadiantViper on 23 Jan 17 at 04:43
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