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Perfection achievement in Divekick Addition Edition +


Beat story mode using the YOLO Gem.

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How to unlock the Perfection achievement

  • zzUrbanSpacemanzzUrbanSpaceman
    28 Sep 2015 28 Sep 2015 28 Sep 2015
    Set the difficult to Cake Walk under options.

    Obviously, pick the YOLO gem at the start of the game.

    You can continue as many times as you like and this achievement will still unlock.

    I used Dr. Shoals. She has an almost flat slope on her kick that is difficult to dodge, and pressing kick while the previous kick is in progress causes her to aim steeply down with her kick. This can catch people stuck in the corners from above. I didn't find her special that useful, and practically never used it. I also found that waiting for the opponent to jump then jumping and doing the regular flat kick would often catch opponents.

    The most difficult opponent is S-Kill because he teleports around a lot, and can even teleport in behind you from above for a kill if you trap him in a corner (don't do that). I found a good tactic was to simply get as close to the centre of the arena as possible right at the beginning (press Dive-Kick-Kick to jump and do your steep kick quickly), then just keep jumping (diving?). For some reason S-Kill will keep teleporting around and won't attack you much, and once the timer runs out you win the round. This tactic may work for other tricky opponents, but I only really got stuck on S-Kill.

    Good luck!

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    Set the difficult to Cake Walk under options
    I had no idea that was even a thing! Thanks for the help
    Posted by brooza664 on 13 Jun 18 at 09:41
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  • South Park TFBWSouth Park TFBW
    09 Oct 2014 09 Oct 2014 09 Oct 2014
    Before going into the Story mode, head into the Options menu and put the the game on Cake Walk difficulty. Not needed, but if you want this achievement more easily I would recommend doing this. The best character I found to do this with is Dive. He jumps very high and his kicks are easy to land. Pick him, and pick the YOLO gem. What is the YOLO gem you might ask? Well, basically, you have to win all 5 rounds without losing once. If you lose a round, you lose the match. The hardest person to beat is S-Kill, the last enemy. The way I killed him was that I constantly spam the dive and kick button. Once you beat him, it will unlock.
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    South Park TFBWApologize for being an asshole?
    Posted by South Park TFBW on 18 Dec 14 at 18:23
    Legal IntegrityYou are nuts. You and your solution both suck balls.
    Posted by Legal Integrity on 24 Dec 14 at 10:41
    South Park TFBWComing from the guy who said thanks for the waste of time. Fuck you. And I have 2 positive votes, so it must have helped somebody.
    Posted by South Park TFBW on 24 Dec 14 at 16:25
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