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Ability level 80 achievement in Warriors Orochi

Ability level 80

Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 80 or higher.

Ability level 800

How to unlock the Ability level 80 achievement

  • LV 1 Blue SlimeLV 1 Blue Slime
    08 Apr 2009 10 Oct 2010
    In order to get this achievement the levels of all your learned abilities must equal 80 or greater.

    Each officer has 4 abilities they can learn. Each time you learn an ability, it's level goes up by one. If 3 people have learned the potence ability, then you'll have potence level 3. In order to learn abilities, you usually have to kill a certain amount of peons or a certain amount of officers, and sometimes there is a time limit or other qualifiers, like don't use musou, or don't go below a certain number of attacks.

    There isn't a set way to go about this, just pick characters you like and you'll get it eventually. You'll get this way before you max every ability, so don't worry about that.
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