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Unlock Wu Chapter 8-X achievement in Warriors Orochi

Unlock Wu Chapter 8-X

Save the game after unlocking Chapter 8-X of the Wu storyline.

Unlock Wu Chapter 8-X0

How to unlock the Unlock Wu Chapter 8-X achievement

  • SebastianSBSebastianSB
    29 May 2009 29 May 2009
    23 0 3
    - Rescue Sun Jian in less than 3 minutes after the start of the level.


    - In story mode, select Wu Mission 7 on easy. Equip Impulse to increase your speed, and equip whatever abilities work best for increasing the power of your character. You'll need to move fast and kill fast: This one's a time-squeeze!

    - As soon as the mission starts, head south to the first Keep and defeat the generic officer within to open the gate, then head west and do the same to that Keep.

    - The way should now be open to Sun Jian, move through the snaking path to him as quickly impossible and get yourself inside his Keep. Kill the officers he's fighting as fast as possible (two generic humans, one generic demon). I recommend using the X-X-Y (keep pressing Y) combo because it's fairly long and doesn't knock your enemies away from you so you don't have to waste valuable time chasing them down.

    - As soon as you defeat the three generics, a cut scene will play. After the cut scene, pause the game and check the time. If less than three minutes have passed, congratulations! You've met the requirement!

    - Head north and defeat Dong Zhuo to open the gate, and then defeat Da Ji to end the mission. Save your progress and the achievement should unlock.

    - If you're having trouble with this, try pausing the game when people are talking. They'll finish saying whatever they were saying, but the time will be frozen while the game is paused. Why would you do this? At the beginning of the match when you defeat the generic officers within the first two Keeps, several messages play before the gates open and let you continue. The time saved by pausing during these messages can make all the difference.

    - "Generic Officer" is what I call a named officer in this game that doesn't have a unique character model.
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    BadTriangleThe one thing I would add to this solution is to use the cavalier ability. This gives you a horse at the beginning of the level, which greatly cuts down on the travel time.
    Posted by BadTriangle on 20 Apr 12 at 00:20
    JoKally11Help i have done this perfectly three times already and no achievement. :(
    Posted by JoKally11 on 16 Jun 13 at 00:52
    SebastianSBI'm sorry but this solution was written so long ago that I can't remember much of anything any more.
    Posted by SebastianSB on 25 Jun 13 at 22:47
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