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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze
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Kick some Shell! achievement in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze

Kick some Shell!

Player upgrades 1 Shell Kicker

Kick some Shell!0

How to unlock the Kick some Shell! achievement

  • ZigsterLVZigsterLV
    20 May 2019 20 May 2019 20 May 2019
    In order to upgrade any of the shell kickers or turtles you have to find T-phone upgrade!! Wich alows you to do that. Press start and look at the map. Can be found in skyskryper basment area(dark purple section on the map), up left corner room. Left side of letter R on the map, 1 room away. Then press start again and twice RB for upgrages. They require lv wich you get by killing enemys. Max lv 16.
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