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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze
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A Ninja's Best Friend achievement in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze

A Ninja's Best Friend

Find a Shuriken upgrade.

A Ninja's Best Friend0

How to unlock the A Ninja's Best Friend achievement

  • PuritanSoulPuritanSoul
    16 Mar 2017 16 Mar 2017
    The first Shuriken I found was after leaving the sewers and entering the City (or rather buildings). Keep heading right, through the doors, and you will eventually (well after 3 rooms) reach a room where you can either go up or drop down to the basement.

    Drop down and in the next room is a statue. Approach it and you will collect the shuriken and achievement unlocked!

    Good luck!!
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