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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze
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Pulverizer achievement in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze


Defeat 300 Kraang droids.


How to unlock the Pulverizer achievement

  • ZigsterLVZigsterLV
    20 May 2019 20 May 2019
    Crank bots are cyborgs with brain in there bodies or human loking people with purple shooting lasers. Can be found anywhere. But best spot to grind- Pres start button to pick up map and A button to zoom out. City area (grey color on the map)-find staith streeth connecting east and west cide of city. On that street are 9 of those cranck droids. Kill them,go out of the room,go back in so they can be spawned back and kill them again. Repeat. Achievment
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