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The Manhattan Project achievement in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze

The Manhattan Project

Achieve 100% Completion.

The Manhattan Project0

How to unlock the The Manhattan Project achievement

  • BStringbeanBStringbean
    23 May 2015 23 May 2015 12 May 2021
    From the Activision Support website for this game:
    "To get a 100% progression in the ending result screen or the Manhattan Project achievement/trophy, you must:
    Explore every square of the map.
    Collect every item throughout the game."

    Items include:
    Health upgrades (8)
    Pizza Box upgrades (2)
    Smoke Bomb upgrades (5)
    Shuriken upgrades (20)
    Chi Upgrades (4)
    Ice Cream Kitty collectibles (exp. booster) (10)

    After you beat the final boss, you'll be returned to your last save point when re-opening the game. If you pause and open your map it will tell you how many items there are left to collect in that map area (The east and west components of each section are combined in this item tally).

    Unfortunately, it will NOT mention how many Ice Cream Kitty collectibles are left, so I would keep a close tally of where you pick them up.

    As for exploring every square of the map, you must ensure that the perimeter of all of your maps has a white border. Wherever there is not a white border indicates an unexplored square.

    I would also closely compare your maps in the pause menu with these completed maps done by Scharn73 on playstationtrophies here:

    It seems like every 2 squares of the map explored counts for 0.1% completion.

    Some common unexplored areas include the top of the map you may have to use a vertical smoke bomb dash to get to, 1 square in the left elevator shaft of the TCRI building, 2 squares in the right elevator shaft of the TCRI building (use the climbing claws to climb up the elevator wire to get close), areas behind shock/bomb shuriken doors in previously explored sections, and the top half (2 squares) of the final boss arena (I had to use a vertical smoke bomb dash to get to each square).

    I would highly recommend using Scharn73's complete guide here:
    Especially to get all the ice cream kitty collectibles and for the under one hour speedrun.

    The special conversations (see: The Conversationalist achievement guide) do not have to be completed to achieve 100%.

    It is very helpful to explore/collect along the way as much as possible so you don't have to backtrack as much, and then defeating the final boss will help you find the last missing items (minus ice cream kitty) in the pause menu, but the indicator does not tell you where in the map section they are so it can still be frustrating.

    The achievement pops as soon as you reach 100% (you don't have to beat the final boss again).

    Good luck, this can be quite maddening so keep close track of your ice cream kitties and explore every square of the map.

    Edit: updated map link
    Showing all 10 comments. Leave a comment.
    TheOnlyMattoi dont know if there was an update or not but i had one item remaining in the dimension x and when i collected the kitty it dropped to 0. so the kitty is trackable
    Posted by TheOnlyMatto on 26 Dec 18 at 17:43
    TheOnlyMattoyup. 13 trackable in the sewer, collected a kitty, 12 left.
    Posted by TheOnlyMatto on 26 Dec 18 at 17:51
    ZigsterLVShit im on 99.9% and dont know what to do. Collected ewerthing and searched also ewery where. ;( ;( :(
    Posted by ZigsterLV on 20 May 19 at 17:45
    ZigsterLVCity east-look where is choper symbol and near is only 1 yelow door in midle of the map, acros of it is green door(turrtle rescue room). But its so easy to miss cuz its just a black whole in wall not dors or gap as usual. Only realyzed this by 2 full games played on 99.9%
    Posted by ZigsterLV on 22 May 19 at 09:31
    LC Andy UKDon't know if this is a graphics glitch, but has anyone else come across it in the Warehouse/Docks area, in the room where you have the two laser barriers, with Shuriken behind the right hand one, and the Ice Cream Kitty behind the left hand barrier. For some reason when ever I go through the docks area, the map keeps flashing two blocks on and off. Most annoying lol.
    Posted by LC Andy UK on 11 Mar 20 at 21:04
    Mister BudsHuge thanks for mentioning the elevator shafts in the TCRI building. The online maps show portions of them crossed out because of the elevators but they can be completely filled in in-game!
    Posted by Mister Buds on 24 Oct 20 at 16:09
    AbyssalOrc33The map link no longer shows anything.
    Posted by AbyssalOrc33 on 06 May 21 at 02:41
    BStringbeanI added an archived version of the page that should work.
    Posted by BStringbean on 12 May 21 at 05:54
    SoupiestBell178I 100% completed It on my 3DS today. Must color all squares of the map (single Square rooms in Dimension X don't count), each upgrades and objects and moves add up 1%, Ice cream kitties are tracked by the map.
    Posted by SoupiestBell178 on 19 Nov 21 at 12:47
    SoupiestBell178Mickey's comic and finishing Shredder's Battle don't count (Just color the upper squares in that room)
    Posted by SoupiestBell178 on 19 Nov 21 at 12:48
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