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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze
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The Gauntlet achievement in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze

The Gauntlet

Beat Rahzar without taking damage.

The Gauntlet0

How to unlock the The Gauntlet achievement

  • ROGUE 1992ROGUE 1992
    30 Oct 2014 31 Oct 2014
    17 0 1
    This is the first proper boss fight in the game on chapter two easiest way to beat him is to keep changing out turtles. As when they come in they have a couple second invincibility period.

    So what I did was change hit twice change hit twice change ect it shouldn't take you that long. If you get hit quit and reload you will start at your last meditation point which should be two rooms back.
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    TheOnlyMattotwo swings, switch, worked perfect. ty, i was gettin frustrated with it.
    Posted by TheOnlyMatto on 23 Dec 18 at 17:54
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