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Third Time's A Charm achievement in Halo MCC

Third Time's A Charm

Halo 3: Play a game of Halo 3 on the 25th of any month.

Third Time's A Charm0

How to unlock the Third Time's A Charm achievement

  • Strategy OneStrategy One
    25 Nov 2014 12 Nov 2014
    76 5 6
    A Day To Remember

    To unlock this achievement you must load up Halo: 3 on the 25th of any month, quite simple.

    If you want to unlock it on any other date you can do so offline. Now this doesn't just mean you disconnect yourself and do it, you must first follow a few steps.

    First going into your settings by hitting the button towards the middle of your controller with 3 lines across it (otherwise known as the start button).

    Second go into Network.

    Third "Go offline" and "forget wireless network"

    Then you are going to need to hard turn off your Xbox by holding the power button for 10 seconds.

    Once you turn it back on go back into settings, then system, to the way right you will be able to click on your date and change it to any day you want. For this achievement you change it to the 25th.

    Load the game up and start Halo: 3, quit out once it loads up, reconnect yourself back to the internet and it will unlock for you. smile

    Guide not helping? View 3 more guides for this achievement.

    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    IceeLadyDon’t be an idiot like me. I kept trying to play Halo 3 over and over again

    Solution ***You must have Halo MMC installed to play Halo 3. My excuse is it’s around 4:30 am. My story & I’m sticking to it*** 🥱 At this time, it’s excruciatingly slow to install 😡
    Posted by IceeLady on 25 Feb 21 at 10:23
    Pure Pip RaptorFor people who don't know the settings very well... go to General > Network Settings and then System > Time.
    Posted by Pure Pip Raptor on 15 Apr 22 at 14:36
    FullMoonBeaverI've tried both single and multilayer and neither got this achievement to pop. Been trying for years and nothing. Same with the signs on specific levels. Anyone got a s8ggestion?
    Posted by FullMoonBeaver on 25 Dec 23 at 18:08
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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  • PlacidoPaltiProPlacidoPaltiPro
    25 Feb 2015 25 Feb 2015 28 Feb 2015
    35 0 0
    Third Time's A Charm (5)
    Halo 3: Play a game of Halo 3 on the 25th of any month.

    To get this achievement you must play on the 25th of the month, you can change your settings offline to get this achievement OR you can wait until the 25th of the month and start up any custom game, the achievement will pop immediately.

    I personally wanted to get the achievement on the day the description requires but the servers were not working properly for me to play an online game so I tried custom games and this works as well, just click halo 3 start up any map, any game type and the achievement is yours.
  • Master OkojoMaster Okojo
    13 Sep 2020 13 Sep 2020 13 Sep 2020
    19 0 0
    Just a note, for people playing on PC. Going offline is NOT needed if you are changing your system clock.

    You can right click the clock on the taskbar > Adjust Date/Time, then turn off "Set time Automatically". Set the time/date as needed. This works for other achievements as well. No need to restart the game either.
There is 1 other guide for this achievement
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