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Solid Gold, Baby! achievement in GTA 5

Solid Gold, Baby!

Earn 70 Gold Medals on Missions and Strangers and Freaks.

Solid Gold, Baby!0

How to unlock the Solid Gold, Baby! achievement

  • Game Master 136Game Master 136
    13 Apr 2020 23 Nov 2014 29 May 2018
    217 61 23
    This achievement will take a bit of time but isn't too difficult with patience. The objectives to gold medals do stack so you don't have to worry if you're taking too long at a mission since you're making sure you're getting a good accuracy. Make sure to use each characters abilities whenever you can to help with objectives that suit their ability.

    It's best to work on this after you complete the campaign and all of the Strangers and Freaks missions. After completing as many as you can, look through your missions and see which ones are close to being completed and focus on those first. Strangers and Freaks missions as well as the setup missions for heist are usually quick and easy golds to achieve.

    When working on time related objectives, skip any cutscenes and only focus on completing the mission. Don't worry about accuracy as it isn't advisable to work on them at the same time. If you die and restart at a checkpoint, it will void your time objective. If that happens it's best to work on a different objective during the mission so you can at least salvage it a bit.

    Accuracy related objectives will be easier if you turn on auto aim so you can keep missing shots to a minimum as well as assist in getting headshots if you need them.

    Mission specific objectives tend to be easy so take note of what is required before you replay a mission so you can get these ones while playing them.

    Missions with the Unmarked objective should be avoided since there are plenty of missions that won't require having to worry about being shot. You'll usually spend more time trying to get this completed on a single mission rather than if you did two missions without it.

    List of missions:

    Guide not helping? View 5 more guides for this achievement.

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    KiwiBananaVIPooThe achievement didn't pop for me initially after my 70th gold medal, but it popped for the next one I got for a main mission.
    S&F missions seem to advance the progression normally, but not for finally popping the achievement.
    Posted by KiwiBananaVIPoo on 15 Jan 23 at 15:26
    MaceteurWorst game . Literally .
    Posted by Maceteur on 03 Aug 23 at 09:58
    Viridian76For some reason if I die during a replay, and still get a check that I needed after finishing the replay, it won't register when it puts me back into story mode. I have to go back into the mission and do the whole thing without dying, and it doesn't matter what the goal was I was shooting for.
    Posted by Viridian76 on 16 Mar 24 at 07:42
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  • zico291zico291
    18 Feb 2015 21 Feb 2015 21 Feb 2015
    101 9 12
    After doing the achievement once for Xbox 360 I wanted to do this achievement really quickly to get it out of the way. I thought I would just make a quick guide of the missions I found the easiest and quickest to do. I have left some notes for some of the missions.

    There is very minor spoilers:

    For ALL timed missions make sure you skip all cutscenes.

    Story Missions:

    Daddy's Little Girl
    The Good Husband
    Bugstars Equipment (Note: To do this stealthy go around the BACK of the warehouse and drive the van out the back)
    BZ Gas grenades
    Hotel Assassination
    Tow Truck
    Boiler Suits
    Trash Truck
    Eye in the sky (Note: To deliver the z-type without damage make sure you kill chad silently)
    Paleto Score Setup
    Military Hardware
    Hang Ten
    The Ballad Of Rocco
    Clearing out the Bureau
    Architects plans (Note: To do this within the time limit either go up behind the guy and melee him from behind or get in his car and run him down then exit the construction site)
    Reuniting the Family
    Doting Dad
    Fire Truck
    The Wrap Up
    Parenting 101
    Gauntlet - Pillbox Hill
    Gauntlet - Rockford Hills
    Gauntlet - Mission Row
    The Multi Target Assassination
    The Vice Assassination
    The Bus Assassination
    The Construction Assassination

    Strangers and Freaks Missions:

    Pulling Favors
    Pulling Another Favor
    Vinewood souvenirs - Kerry
    Vinewood Souvenirs - Mark
    Vinewood Souvenirs - Willie
    Vinewood Souvenirs - Tyler
    Surreal Estate (Note: To avoid the cops park the car right up next to the wall so when you jump over you can just hit the gas).
    Vinewood Souvenirs - Al Di Napoli
    The civil border patrol
    Rampage: Rednecks
    Exercising Demons - Trevor (Note: This might take a few tries just keep taping the A button and avoid hitting Mary-Ann)
    Rampage: Vagos
    Rampage: Ballas
    Vinewood Souvenirs - The Last Act (Note: To exit the car before the train hits when you are lined up on the track gun it towards to the train then jump out 2-4 seconds before you hit the train).
    Rampage: Military
    Rampage: Hipsters
    Breach Of Contract
    Fair Game
    Grass Roots - The Pickup
    Grass Roots - The Drag
    An American Welcome
    Minute Men Blues
    Liquidity Risk (Note: To survive the landing without opening the chute stay on the ATV)
    Targeted Risk
    Paparazzo - The Sex Tape
    Exercising Demons - Franklin
    Paparazzo - The Highness
    Paparazzo - Reality Check
    Uncalculated Risk
    Pulling Favors Again
    Still Pulling Favors
    Grass Roots - Michael
    Exercising Demons - Michael
    Chasing The Truth (Note: Go into third person before you start the mission and don't touch the triggers)
    Unknowing the Truth
    Pulling One Last Favor

    If there is a problem with this guide in anyway please leave a comment and I will fix it.
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    Bora123TRIf the cheat code is written, will the trophy come?
    Posted by Bora123TR on 10 Feb 23 at 22:32
    Bora123TRIf the cheat code is written, will the trophy come?
    Posted by Bora123TR on 10 Feb 23 at 22:39
    zeldafanjtlI noticed today that regardless of which ending you pick, all three are available in mission replay. Endings A and B only require you to complete them to get a gold medal, so that's basically two free medals right there.
    Posted by zeldafanjtl on 31 Aug 24 at 17:23
  • That RichmanThat Richman
    22 Jan 2015 02 Jan 2015 26 Feb 2015
    74 6 5
    This achievement can take awhile. But if your doing this on your first play-through whilst working your way through the main story and towards the "career criminal" achievement it really shouldn't be much trouble at all.

    Here is and amazing guide that tells you all of the requirements needed for a gold medal on each mission, and it also give you tips for some of the harder gold medals.

    The only tip i will personally give is if you don't get the gold medal after your second attempt leave it and move on, as there will be most likely be easier gold medals ahead. I say this because there are about 110 missions that you can get gold medals on and you only need 70 for the achievement.
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    Crater BobSo, supereasy gold I just found on XBox One, The Ballad of Rocco, just hold LB so that after you skip the cutscene, you're in the weapon wheel, pull out the Railgun, line up Rocco's car, and let loose, just got a 26-second completion for like four seconds of work. laugh
    Posted by Crater Bob on 30 Apr 17 at 06:24
    I ASK NO ONEThis is the best posted guide out of all the others here. PS Trophies has the detailed guide needed. Thanks!
    Posted by I ASK NO ONE on 02 Dec 17 at 23:01
    Hexa FoxThis guide left out some really easy missions such as the five or six very easy 'souvenir series' of missions. Also they did not leave tips for some of the easiest missions like finding artifacts without the meter. I cannot believe they did all this work and left those out. Anyway this is still the best guide in my opinion. They have some really good tips for making many missions easy. +1
    Posted by Hexa Fox on 23 Oct 20 at 23:14
There are 3 other guides for this achievement
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