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All's Fare in Love and War achievement in GTA 5

All's Fare in Love and War

Purchase Downtown Cab Co. and complete a private fare.

All's Fare in Love and War0

How to unlock the All's Fare in Love and War achievement

  • SpilnerSpilner
    23 Nov 2014 20 Nov 2014 10 Dec 2014
    311 31 66
    Before you can unlock this you will need $200,000 with Franklin

    Once far enough into the game after you have stolen the Lost's plane as Trevor the option to purchase the Cab Co will be available to you, now select Franklin as your active character and travel to the upper right hand corner of Los Santos City in 'East Vinewood' where there will be a House icon with ($) inside it in this location.

    Travel there and buy the Downtown Cab Co. for $200,000 by walking up to the For Sale sign and press cn_right twice, once the purchase is complete you will immediately get a call from Raul who introduces himself.

    Now you need to wait for a second call from Raul which may take some time so try to stick with Franklin and just play missions like normal, after 1-3 real hours you should get the phone call.
    xxxDarkRuleRxxx notes that you can speed up the phone call by sleeping 6+ times in Fraklin's safehouse.

    In the call Raul asks if you'd like to work on a 'Private Fare' to earn some extra money. Push the cn_A to Accept. After this, you have on your Map a new green Symbol 'P'. Drive to them and pickup the Passenger.

    Play the mission out and the achievement is yours.

    Guide not helping? View 9 more guides for this achievement.

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    RkranlI think its bugged on the Series X playing the Xbox One Version. Bought it Long Time ago, made a huge Progress in the Story, but no call
    Posted by Rkranl on 08 Jan at 07:31
    BladeInferior@Rkranl its definitely doable i did it not too long ago on series x for xbox one version, have a look around online for solutions cant remember how i solved it for me
    Posted by BladeInferior on 21 Jan at 22:24
    x jjaldana 2 xThis guide should add that you need to SUCCESSFULLY complete the fare.

    I started working on this game again after I stopped playing it for years. I got the full 100 percent for the story and I waited for several days, doing everything mentioned to get a call and I never got a call. Turns out I did the fare already years ago, but I did it unsuccessfully.

    I had loaded a previous save that was around 70 percent, it was after the main game and I had already bought the Downtown Cab Co. Called Liz for the bootycall (611-555-0126), and on my first attempt I got a call for the Fare as we were driving back to her place. Played the mission with the client and the booty call in the car, and the fare was for the Docks with the Lost gang members. I failed the mission because the client died (bootycall was in the car still), no achievement.

    I reloaded the save, Called Liz again, hooked up, and I got the call for the private fair immediately after. Did the mission again, but this time I was out of the car with my gun at the ready. Did the mission successfully, client paid me, and about a minute later ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED
    Posted by x jjaldana 2 x on 06 Feb at 18:18
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  • Zog ReturnsZog Returns
    16 Feb 2015 17 Feb 2015
    I had the same problem in getting the call for this achievement on both 360 and on the xbox one.

    I bought the taxi company and went many hours (real time) playing around as Franklin without getting any call. Now this may have just been a coincidence, but I found if you buy the towing company, I got a call within 30 minutes real time in game for a private fare.

    In order to purchase the towing company, you have to complete all of Tonya's towing missions as Franklin. You also need to call her at some point to get the next mission as it won't automatically give you all the missions consecutively.

    The first time I was supposed to be a getaway driver for a guy robbing a store, and he told me to wait in an alley with the car, but he got shot by police before even reaching my car! So it was a failed fare. The second customer I got was a passenger wanting to go confront the Lost about his niece. If you get this mission, MAKE SURE YOU GET OUT OUT THE CAR WHEN HE DOES! As soon as the Lost draw their guns, kill them before they kill your passenger! After that he thanks you and advises you leave before the cops show up. Mission complete and achievement unlocked.

    These are the only two missions I tried, so I am not sure if you will get something else, but hopefully this will be helpful to you.

    Best of luck!
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    LERISBILLSALOVEIf you're struggling to get Raoul to call you to do a private run even after purchasing the tow truck, try switching characters, either Trevor or Michael, and do some stuff with them such as stunt jumps, under the bridge challenges or collecting waste with the yellow sub at the dock. If you don't play as Franklin for a while when you get back to him Raoul will call you. If he doesn't call you even after you've played with the other characters for a while try killing yourself, AS FRANKLIN, of course and you'll respawn at the hospital, he should call you then. Answer the phone and accept the job, complete it to get the achievement. After you complete your 1st private run Raoul will start calling frequently but since you only need to complete one run to unlock the achievement feel free to reject any other jobs he offers. I hope this helps anyone struggling with this as I was to trigger Raoul to call me.
    Posted by LERISBILLSALOVE on 25 Dec 21 at 15:32
    M1DNYT3Can confirm that buying tow truck company might has something to do with speeding up the process, got the call for a fare immediately after buying the tow truck company.
    Posted by M1DNYT3 on 13 Aug 22 at 16:59
    MarkusW86I loaded up an old save just after hotel assassination Franklin had about 400k for me , so bought the place and then simmed 6/7 in game days so about 20plus saves but then got a call few mins after
    Posted by MarkusW86 on 22 Apr 24 at 20:52
  • RevolutionRevolution
    17 Feb 2017 17 Feb 2017
    28 1 2
    If this is glitched for you as in not receiving the call. I suggest switching notifications from 2 mins to no delay a few times before starting a whole new game. (This is under the settings tab) It worked for me not saying it will work for everyone. Still worth a shot. I received the call not even a couple mins after this. It saved me from having to start a new game.
    Showing both comments.
    TG Airborne 88This actually worked for me perfectly. Thanks and +1 vote for this!
    Posted by TG Airborne 88 on 12 Jan 21 at 18:59
    LERISBILLSALOVEIf you're struggling to get Raoul to call you to do a private run even after purchasing the tow truck, try switching characters, either Trevor or Michael, and do some stuff with them such as stunt jumps, under the bridge challenges or collecting waste with the yellow sub at the dock. If you don't play as Franklin for a while when you get back to him Raoul will call you. If he doesn't call you even after you've played with the other characters for a while try killing yourself, AS FRANKLIN, of course and you'll respawn at the hospital, he should call you then. Answer the phone and accept the job, complete it to get the achievement. After you complete your 1st private run Raoul will start calling frequently but since you only need to complete one run to unlock the achievement feel free to reject any other jobs he offers. I hope this helps anyone struggling with this as I was to trigger Raoul to call me.
    Posted by LERISBILLSALOVE on 25 Dec 21 at 15:34
  • ShadowBotboiShadowBotboi
    Locked 12 Feb 2025

    I’m sorry to say, but you’ll need to start a new game and play for around 3 hours. However, don’t get discouraged – you can still keep your save! Just make sure to save your progress by either using your phone or by sleeping and then not overwriting the save when you start the new game.

    Now onto the guide

    1. Start a New Game
    • Play until Trevor gets to Floyd’s house the mission is called "Friends Reunited"
    • Important: Constantly check if any of the characters have impounded cars. If they do, go and get them, then blow them up. I’m not sure if having impounded cars causes the game to bug, but I made sure to blow up all impounded cars for all three characters.
    2. Switch to Franklin:
    • Franklin won't have the money from the jewelry store job right away. Just sleep once or twice, and Lester will call you, giving you your funds and also just check again to see you don't have any impounded cars.
    3. Buy the Cab Company:
    • Make sure it’s Tuesday when you buy the cab company.
    • Sleep until Thursday, and wake up between 8 AM and 11 AM. Save your game as soon as you wake up.
    4. Getting the Call:
    • Make sure its Thursday go get a cab it can be stolen from a cab driver or you can go get one at the cab place yourself and complete one fare normal job fare from where ever you got it then drive around near Lester's garment factory "Darnell Bros." you should be doing this at somewhere between 10:00 - 14:00 during this time you should get a call from that dummy manager who doesn't know how to do his job.
    • It’s important to NOT press your left stick in when you receive the call or as you are driving to the fare, or the private fare will disappear! (This happened to me twice, lol).
    5. Complete the Cab Fare:
    • If the fares are static and don't change and are location dependent you should get the mission where you have to tail a woman's supposedly "cheating" husband the mission will be located over by Lester's house and will be marked with a "P" to represent a private fare.
    • Tail her husband don't get too close to him and just follow him until he meets with the woman, she'll get out and do what she thinks is right for some reason and a couple of seconds later this achievement will be yours!!!
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