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Show Off achievement in GTA 5

Show Off

Complete all Stunt Jumps.

Show Off0

How to unlock the Show Off achievement

  • SoH AnarchySoH Anarchy
    06 Jul 2015 06 Jul 2015
    114 9 19
    If you would prefer a visual like me here's a great video.

    I did all the jumps in my Bati 801

    Guide not helping? View 2 more guides for this achievement.

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    FightingMegaFooIf I would've noticed there were more than 3 comments earlier, it would've saved me a bunch of trouble. I tried dozens of times to do #26 with no luck. Finally opened the older comments and tried #26 with the Zentorno, and I was finally able to unlock this achievement
    Posted by FightingMegaFoo on 09 Nov 22 at 04:02
    Colin MockeryThis video was horrible to use, not only because the order was often a waste of time but the most jank/glitchy jumps were used as completions
    Posted by Colin Mockery on 25 Apr 23 at 06:33
    iShaddow GVI do appreciate all the other video guides that Powerpyx did but this one is not so great. I highly recommend this video instead from GTA Series Videos channel:

    I was able to complete all of them with the Bati 801 but the lighthouse one is really a pain!
    Posted by iShaddow GV on 28 Dec 23 at 08:26
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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  • TonySkiTonySki
    22 Nov 2014 23 Nov 2014 23 Nov 2014
    67 36 26
    Cool thing about the X1 version is that if you have an online character who previously had all the jumps completed (or you had -57 jumps remaining like me because of the downtown race and nobody can handle turn 2) then when you transfer the character the achievement will unlock.

    But if you didn't have that then use Achievement Hunter's super duper handy map!
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    TrevisQuestion if i get online achievements on xbox one then transfer back to 360 do they unlock as well, curious?
    Posted by Trevis on 08 Jun 17 at 00:17
    Ashen SeraphUnfortunately, AH got rid of all their maps (even though they were some of the best for any game they did). This link is no good anymore.
    Posted by Ashen Seraph on 12 Jun 20 at 21:12
    kovalenkoThe map still works for me, it just takes a few clicks into it to make it work.
    Posted by kovalenko on 16 Jul 20 at 17:34
  • EmiinahEmiinah
    19 Jun 2018 27 Jun 2018 27 Jun 2018
    27 2 1
    I’d like to add a few super helpful tips here.
    1. Save your game BEFORE attempting each jump.
    Just in case you fail it and it’s difficult for you to return to the same spot. A good example of this is the lighthouse jump where it’s likely you’ll end up in the water rendering your vehicle useless.
    If you’ve saved the game before the jump all you have to do is enter the pause menu, game and then load game (your recent save) which will bring you back to the same spot before the jump and still inside your vehicle. This also works if you’ve died trying a jump, as long as you’ve saved beforehand you can just reload your save instead of wasting time driving all the way back and trying to find another vehicle. It’ll also save you from losing money for hospital fees (5k per death).

    2. Specific Vehicles
    My reccomendation is as most people say, the Bati. As for the lighthouse which I suspect might cause most people some grief I reccommend the taxi which is quite a sturdy vehicle and works wonder with Franklin’s special ability (always use Franklin for the stunt jumps). Simply call over a taxi, when it arrives hijack the vehicle for yourself, save before attempting the jump of course, drive towards the jump and turn on Frank’s ability. Try your best to line up your jump with the right most side of the lighthouse where the big portion of rocks lies attached to the lighthouse and end your journey there. The taxi is a great option for other stunt jumps also but definitely try with a Bati first.

    3. If your vehicle is too damaged to keep going...
    A really neat and quick trick is to switch character to either Trevor or Michael and then quickly switch back to Franklin. It doesn’t matter which you choose but you’ll find that upon your return to Frank, the vehicle will have miraculously repaired itself to its former glory.

    4. To try and avoid 49/50...
    Make sure to pay attention and that it clearly states “completed” as sometimes it will either say nothing or it says “failed” for example if you die before completing properly. This is important as it happened to me with the stunt jumps and I had to redo every jump until I found the missing one.
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    Legohead 1977These tips are almost more useful than the locations of the jumps, if you add a good link for that then this would probably be the best solution. (I didn't use the video or maps in the other solutions, so can't attest to how good they are).

    I found the Comet was the only car I could do the stunt jump from the river to the helipad you can buy just North of the LA Customs garage by the airport...bikes never made it anywhere near!
    Posted by Legohead 1977 on 09 Aug 23 at 08:56
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