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Close Shave achievement in GTA 5

Close Shave

Complete all Under the Bridge and Knife Flight challenges.

Close Shave0

How to unlock the Close Shave achievement

  • SoH AnarchySoH Anarchy
    04 Jul 2015 04 Jul 2015
    126 14 13
    I'm more of a visual person so I thought I should add these great videos I found on youtube, all credit goes to PowerPyx.

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    Travis0913My stats show 50/50 on the bridges and 15/15 on the knife flights and thr avhievement won't pop. Any ideas? I've tried rebooting game, changing characters, waiting an extended time and doing one of the bridges a second time.
    Posted by Travis0913 on 25 Jan 24 at 22:54
    InterracialThanks +1
    Posted by Interracial on 11 Feb 24 at 07:03
    KillTheRedzCouldn't get the hospital helicopter to spawn. Shooting the parashoot pilot and holding Y or using Trevor's helicopter was sufficient for most under the bridges. Had to buy a buzzard from the military website for the two super thin bridges by the casino.
    Posted by KillTheRedz on 06 Sep 24 at 18:36
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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  • TonySkiTonySki
    24 Nov 2014 24 Nov 2014
    100 47 26
    Check it out. An Achievement Hunter map!

    But here's some tips. For the under the bridge ones you will want a Buzzard so buy one from the Warstock website or take it from the Army Base. You can get into the army base without drawing any attention to yourself when you're doing the 2nd Cletus mission when he teaches you how to hunt animals instead of satellite dishes. But if you've passed the mission up without doing it (like me) then your best bet is to fly into the army base. There are 2 places I've seen where they spawn, in front of the Eastern and central hangars. If you try this then abuse that quick save function. Save as you fly in, save as soon as you get in the chopper and save multiple times as you leave. From my experience the fastest route is to fly the chopper south to the runway, then west away from the SAMs and Rhinos and fly over the fence before the bridge, staying as low as you can to not get shot down. Every time you load up the enemies have to respawn and you have about 100 Meters around you clear.

    For the knife flight, buy a mallard or wait for one at Trevor's airfield in Sandy shores. They land occasionally, alternating between that and the crop duster. Or buy it from Elias and store it for future use.
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    Ksar96Map image is no longer availablecry
    Posted by Ksar96 on 01 Jul 19 at 09:51
    DelaneyRNo image! This guide is now defunct
    Posted by DelaneyR on 09 Aug 19 at 19:23
    MikeBugslayer here is map
    Posted by MikeBugslayer on 24 Jun 21 at 12:49
  • EmiinahEmiinah
    16 Jun 2018 27 Jun 2018
    20 2 0
    1.Save frequently.
    As everyone here has mentioned, make sure to save before AND after each bridge/knife flight. If you fail before successfully completing one, simply reload your most recent save and it’ll take you back to try it again.

    2. Specific Vehicles
    I bought the helipad in Vespucci with Franklin as my character and then bought the Buzzard but you don’t have to do that. Just follow everyone else’s recommendations here about how to obtain one for free. I do however highly recommend the Buzzard as it fits under every single bridge.
    As for the knife flights I broke into Fort Zancudo and stole a jet, it’s not entirely difficult to do this but you have to be quick. I recommend watching videos online to know how to do this, my go to YouTube channel for GTA achievements is PowerPyx. If you find the jet too difficult then another good option is the stunt plane.

    3. If your aircraft gets too damaged...
    A really neat and quick trick is to switch to another character then quickly switch back to the character you were using for this achievement. You will find that your aircraft will have miraculously repaired itself to its former glory. Before switching make sure you are in a safe place and not about to crash!

    4. To try and avoid 49/50...
    Make sure to pay attention and that it clearly states “completed” as sometimes it will either say nothing or it says “failed” for example if you die before completing properly. This is important as it happened to me with the stunt jumps and I had to redo every jump until I found the missing one.
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