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Heavy Purse achievement in Angry Birds Stella (WP)

Heavy Purse

Earn 5,000 Coins

Heavy Purse0

How to unlock the Heavy Purse achievement

  • XtowersXtowers
    19 Dec 2014 19 Dec 2014 09 May 2015
    Update: Updates since the launch of the game have made it much easier to grind out coins in a reasonable amount of time without having to spend extra real money. Please see the comments for more detail. Thanks!

    The two coin-related achievements are likely your last achievements in the game. When I finished three starring all levels of the first two episodes and grinding out bounces with Stella, I had exactly 2136 coins.

    You earn coins in various ways:
    1. Popping pigs - Popping pigs will randomly spawn a coin bubble. The bubble must be popped and the coin must be shot over (via sparkles) to your coin counter (so don't restart the level before that coin is counted).
    2. Earning stars - There are certain milestones you can get by earning stars, including pictures and coin purses.
    3. Defeating the Wall of Pig levels. There are 9 of these levels in the first two episodes, and defeating them will get you a chest full of coins.

    Upon the game's release, the bulk of coins come from earning stars and defeating the wall of pigs levels. The coins you get randomly from popping pigs are infrequent, and you only get one at a time. When more episodes are released, you'll likely have an easier time earning coins in the new levels due to more coin purse milestones and wall of pigs levels.

    However, right now, it is going to be a grind to get 5000 coins unless you buy them. Yes, purchased coins count as earned coins. You can buy a bulk pack of 2000 coins for US$19.99 and/or 900 coins for US$9.99.

    Also, please note this game keeps track of any coins you previously spent, so don't worry about spending some to clear smoke or charge your hammer. You don't need 5000 at one time or anything. However, you might want to keep track of how many you spent in case you want to track your progress towards this achievement.

    So anyways, the choice is yours: Grind them, buy them, wait for more episodes, or just walk away. Good luck! toast
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    wBRYWhen do you spin? I did the first 11 levels and I haven't spun anything yet.
    Posted by wBRY on 08 May 15 at 15:04
    KinectKid333You need to complete chapters 1 & 2 first. Chapters one and two are the ones you get the most coins anyway because of the wall of pigs.
    Posted by KinectKid333 on 08 May 15 at 18:41
    Much better for grinding now, first of all its a bit more entertaining! Going though the map levels, spinning the wheel for a chance of coins and getting upgrades like 15% more coins from pigs and leveling up gets you up to 75 coins took me about 5 hours of game time to get this achievement I had already finished both chapters with all stars, so just keep at it ull get it
    Posted on 08 May 15 at 22:15
    main elementUnlocked both coin cheevos right before hitting level 15, if that helps anyone get an idea of their progress.
    Posted by main element on 11 May 15 at 02:19
    lfcjohnMine unlocked just before Lv 14, after upgraded to 45 coins spin wheel, i'll keep target it if i got you (need 50 coins to re-spin if you don't satisfy the result).
    Posted by lfcjohn on 25 Jun 15 at 08:32
    CurtiesonJust unlocked for me, I was about 1 / 10th of the way past past lvl 15, after completing both chapters and earning all stars. I popped this and spender before I even played the game for 10 hrs.
    Posted by Curtieson on 29 Aug 15 at 02:22
    Er PaBlEtOrWell... I bought a new phone when I was at lvl13 and all progress is gone...
    Posted by Er PaBlEtOr on 25 Dec 15 at 15:59
    Drazer76Pretty sure most WP games don't track across devices though. It's only those Microsoft ones I think mostly...
    Posted by Drazer76 on 16 Jan 16 at 08:28
    V1p3rs biteJust a suggestion for those looking to grind this and Big Spender as their last achievement; when playing through the island levels, look out for a level that starts you off with 3 chests - one on each of the bottom, middle, and top sections. You start that particular level with the choice to use the brown owl bird (click and hold for him to shoot out and spins in place). If you aim him at the angled concrete piece right in front of you and down partially, you can get him to tag the bottom of the middle chest and the very bottom chest. More often than not, he would tag those two only, but occasionally he'd get that third one to crumble also. Use Stella to knock the top chest into the propeller pig (if you've unlocked him at that point) I was getting anywhere from 5-20 coins per shot with him (Killed pigs also drop random coins). Once you have all three chests exploded, restart the level. I grinded out 200 coins in about 15 minutes or so. Just an idea for those who don't want to do the whole spin and hope for 50 coins on the wheel. And if you beat the level or quit out don't fret, they seem to be on a cycle. It'll pop back up.
    Posted by V1p3rs bite on 27 May 16 at 03:05
    Shadow Kisuragi^ It took me a bit to figure out what you were trying to explain. It turns out that the Box of Coins doesn't unlock until you hit Level 8 in the Pig Sightings, and then the Box of Coins will show up in the randomly generated sightings. I just unlocked the Box of Coins, so I'm hoping to come across the level you mentioned, as it would be much quicker than macroing or waiting on the wheel to regenerate. Thanks for the tip.

    EDIT: Macro'd a stage where I could destroy a Box of Coins on my first bird. Just by doing this overnight (8 hours), I had 4500 coins.
    Posted by Shadow Kisuragi on 29 May 16 at 14:11
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