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Big Spender achievement in Angry Birds Stella (WP)

Big Spender

Spend 5,000 Coins

Big Spender0

How to unlock the Big Spender achievement

  • XtowersXtowers
    19 Dec 2014 19 Dec 2014
    For this achievement you must spend 5000 coins total, over the course of your campaign against Gale and her pig army. Getting 5000 coins will take some time or take some real world cash. See this solution on this achievement for tips on earning coins:
    Angry Birds Stella (WP)Heavy PurseThe Heavy Purse achievement in Angry Birds Stella (WP) worth 39 pointsEarn 5,000 Coins

    So feel free to use your coins at any time, just keep note that the game won't let you know how many coins you've spent so you might want to track your own progress. You can spend coins on extra birds, clearing smoke, or charging your hammer. They all count towards this achievement. My favorite method, after getting a bulk of coins, was to just keep charging the hammer power-up to complete a level without using any birds. It is 120 coins per charge, so it went by pretty fast.
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    main elementIf it helps anyone, I unlocked this right before hitting level 15. After the new update (April 2015) there are lots of new ways to earn coins and the grind isn't as bad.
    Posted by main element on 11 May 15 at 02:18
    CurtiesonTo add, it unlocked for me just AFTER lvl 15 of the Wild Piggies part of the game (after I had also completed all 131 levels.) So, complete the two episodes, play the piggies to lvl 15 and the coin achievements should pop along the way.
    Posted by Curtieson on 29 Aug 15 at 21:18
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