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Album Maker achievement in Angry Birds Stella (WP)

Album Maker

Find 30 Photographs

Album Maker0
An update removed photographs from the game, if you don't already have those photographs this achievement can't be unlocked.

How to unlock the Album Maker achievement

  • XtowersXtowers
    18 Dec 2014 18 Dec 2014 23 Jun 2015
    DANGER: There have been many reports of a recent update removing some necessary photos from the game for this achievement. If you can, prevent your game from updating if you want to complete it. Otherwise, you might have to wait for a future update to get this achievement.

    This solution is being written upon the game's release. Conditions may change if more episodes are released in the future.

    Hey, so the Photographs aren't all that difficult to find. You'll get a bunch naturally by gaining stars from the various levels. In fact, a prerequisite achievement is this:

    Angry Birds Stella (WP)Power of ThreeThe Power of Three achievement in Angry Birds Stella (WP) worth 35 points131 Three Starred Levels

    The last photo you can unlock with stars comes from getting all stars in the first two episodes. Then there are 5 or 6 photos you must find within the second episode's level select menu. These are not hidden; they are visible in plain sight. Just tap them to pick them up.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    Idan345if anyone reads this eventually - the version i stated,, has the photos scattered around chapter 2
    i finished the first 15 stages, now waiting the pig wall timer thing and probably gonna achieve this later today/tmrw
    Posted by Idan345 on 07 Oct 20 at 11:43
    Idan345Hi guys I was able to achieve this with a working xap file.
    Posted by Idan345 on 03 Nov 20 at 08:28
    PieMontensis87Idan345, thanks for the .xap file... I was trying a long time to deploy it... I've got this last friday and today finally I have accomplished the game...

    For those who are planning for to do this stuckin' completion, the biggest trick is use the Develop Mode, with all permissions, even the authentication on mobile device. Use the Windows Phone 8.0/8.1 SDK Kit and a data-transfer USB plugged on PC. Pair the device to PC through the IP on PC browser and make a registration on Windows Phone Registration application. Then, you can deploy ( = install) the game on your Mobile. That's no need for any 3rd-party apps to make it.

    Only authentication On and Pairing feature make this miracle for us. And the achievements will pop out properly... rock
    Posted by PieMontensis87 on 07 Jun 21 at 20:00
    SILVAF0XXSo I have the xap file and I’m able to deploy it so that’s not a problem.

    I had this game already on my phone (I do own it) and had started it. I’ve no idea what version it is and have played quite a chunk already.

    I’m not on episode 2 yet but am I right in thinking I can’t get 30 photos? I’ve got about 13 so far but I don’t want to keep going if ultimately I have to deploy the older version and play it all again 🙈
    Posted by SILVAF0XX on 04 Mar 22 at 17:46
    SILVAF0XXMy version game now crashes when loading a level… anyone else experience this?
    Posted by SILVAF0XX on 09 Mar 22 at 07:52
    SILVAF0XXFYI this game version , at least for me, will play perfectly fine until you close the game down. At this point it will either crash on loading or crash upon level select.

    I’m experimenting with it and have lost my previous progress but the only solution could be to play it through non stop!

    Not sure how realistic that is!?!
    Posted by SILVAF0XX on 10 Mar 22 at 11:24
    SILVAF0XXSo finished this game without closing it and as I got the 30th photo it didn’t unlock. Only way I got last two achievements to unlock for me was to close the game down and then launch again. All 30 photos collected but game now crashes on loading any level 🤬🤬🤬
    Posted by SILVAF0XX on 15 Mar 22 at 08:23
    SILVAF0XXDo the green pig photographs not count?

    So having earned all 30 of these earlier today and the achievement not unlocking I’ve had to delete the game. There was no way to update a sideloaded app!

    In the version I’ve downloaded from the store you can earn (at least it seems to me) more than 30 photos without picking any up. As in from earning stars and purple gems from the additional content.

    I presume these don’t count which is what the problem is??
    Posted by SILVAF0XX on 16 Mar 22 at 01:04
    planchetflawDid you have any luck regarding crashing when selecting a level, SILVA?
    Posted by planchetflaw on 27 Apr 22 at 16:30
    SILVAF0XXNo man… got frustrated and need to go back to this! Really annoyed I started it as it looks as though it’ll forever be a game I can’t complete 🤬
    Posted by SILVAF0XX on 10 May 22 at 06:13
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