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Power of Three achievement in Angry Birds Stella (WP)

Power of Three

131 Three Starred Levels

Power of Three0

How to unlock the Power of Three achievement

  • XtowersXtowers
    18 Dec 2014 16 Dec 2014 16 Dec 2014
    18 1 0
    Upon the game's release, you need to 3-star each level available. There are two episodes available (with more to come, most likely):

    Episode 1:
    60 Normal levels
    5 Wall of Pigs levels
    1 Bonus levels

    Episode 2:
    60 Normal levels
    4 Wall of Pigs levels
    1 Bonus level

    This achievement might become easier to obtain once more episodes release. If you are having difficulty with a particular level I would recommend finding a video guide on YouTube. It would be impractical for me to link them all here, but I'll throw up a link to the YouTube walkthrough playlists from which you can find each individual level guide:

    Episode 1:
    Episode 2:
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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