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Leaps and Bounds achievement in Angry Birds Stella (WP)

Leaps and Bounds

1,000 bounces with Stella

Leaps and Bounds0

How to unlock the Leaps and Bounds achievement

  • Jedi Pirate OniJedi Pirate Oni
    17 Dec 2014 18 Dec 2014 21 Apr 2015
    I used the first Episode Wall of Pigs 1 for this. You have 6 Stellas and there's a branch right under the catapult you can bounce her off. You will have to play this level 166 times to get the full 1000 but you will rack up a lot during the story anyway so it won't actually be that many.

    Just an added extra: You have to use her power to bounce for it to count, thanks TanukiV.

    You can grind this whilst waiting for the clouds to disperse and work towards:

    Angry Birds Stella (WP)FantasticThe Fantastic achievement in Angry Birds Stella (WP) worth 32 pointsPlay Game for Ten Hours


    Angry Birds Stella (WP)Heavy PurseThe Heavy Purse achievement in Angry Birds Stella (WP) worth 39 pointsEarn 5,000 Coins
    (you gain coins by smashing the pigs though, not hitting the branch).

    Edit: Read the comments below for alternative levels to do this on if you're getting bored. All credit goes to commenters for alternative levels.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    Jedi Pirate OniIt's like the Boss level. Directly after level 11. The treasure chest with the purple banner next to it.
    Posted by Jedi Pirate Oni on 10 Jan 15 at 12:21
    PeeMcPeeI tried using level 57 - you can fire the pink birds between the trampoline and the solid structure holding it up (aim for the gap at the top of the top-right trampoline), so it bounces between the two - can get at least 3-4 bounces per bird using this method. Only tried it a few times (<20) after three-starring each level and it popped.
    Posted by PeeMcPee on 12 Jan 15 at 12:19
    PeeMcPeeLevel 57 of episode 2, that should have read
    Posted by PeeMcPee on 12 Jan 15 at 12:20
    V1p3rs biteUpvoted. Thanks!
    Posted by V1p3rs bite on 18 Jan 15 at 03:46
    Mike the Owldo you simply need to fire stella into any block, branch, anything and make her bounce off into space? or do you need to bounce and destroy blocks.. can I just aim for the branch and hit the screen to make her hit the branch and fly backward into the air off screen? I feel ive done this 1000 times already for no cheevo
    Posted by Mike the Owl on 26 Jan 15 at 09:05
    Jedi Pirate OniI know it feels that way but you don't have to break any blocks. I mainly just bounced straight off the branch and it worked.
    Posted by Jedi Pirate Oni on 26 Jan 15 at 15:03
    ShiftedPhaseUsing Wall of Pigs 1 as Oni suggested, I shot Stella near the top of the branch behind the catapult and used her power so she bounced up first. If I aimed right, she would bounce slowly down the branch, racking up a ton of bounces. You can also immediately fire the next one, so it takes amount no time, once you get the motion down.

    I had finished the whole story first so not sure how many more bounces I needed, but using this method, the achievement popped for me after repeating the level just a few times.
    Posted by ShiftedPhase on 30 Mar 15 at 08:53
    TanukiVjust to clarify: i spent about 4 hours just releasing 6 stella to the branch under the catapult without using the powers and thought the achievement is glitched. I assumed i only need about 90 minutes to get this achievement since one need about 30 seconds for releasing 6 stella and restart.

    Upon reading @ShiftedPhase's comment, I tried using the power and aimed right to below branch as well and stella bounces! Silly but you may want to clarify the solution :)
    Posted by TanukiV on 21 Apr 15 at 14:08
    Jedi Pirate OniOh man, I bet you hate the grind even more than ever!
    Posted by Jedi Pirate Oni on 21 Apr 15 at 15:59
    TanukiVyou bet! not related but 15 hours and going i made ~1,000 coins using level 2-49, so roughly 65 coins per hour. Need about 1,500 coins more for the 5,000 coins grind
    Posted by TanukiV on 21 Apr 15 at 16:57
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