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Fantastic achievement in Angry Birds Stella (WP)


Play Game for Ten Hours

This achievement may unlock after the requirements are met or not at all.

How to unlock the Fantastic achievement

  • XtowersXtowers
    18 Dec 2014 19 Dec 2014
    If you are going for the completion, this will come naturally as you attempt to get three stars on every level and grind out bounces with Stella. For the record, I managed to get this achievement just before getting three stars on each level of the first two episodes.

    Of course, you can simply set your phone to never time out, if it is available on your phone, and let it run overnight while in a level.
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    playerforty4This didn't pop for me either after I got the 5k coins. I did a fresh install and left in on for 10 hours straight in a level and it popped.
    Posted by playerforty4 on 26 Jan 15 at 14:35
    NO1KEVPlayerforty4 I did the same thing 3 times fresh install played 15hours each time and NOTHING. Ive been grinding out angry birds classic for 70 plus hours and the 30 hour ach refuses to unlock. Because there is no in game counter I don't know if I can be bothered wasting my time on them now
    Posted by NO1KEV on 27 Jan 15 at 17:08
    NO1KEVFinally unlocked this on my 5th install of the game. I literally just left it on the very 1st level for 10-12 hours overnight and it FINALLY unlocked and now deleted. Glitchy crap
    Posted by NO1KEV on 20 Feb 15 at 13:39
    KBK MUPPETMy situation is a little different. It popped for me. If I look at the achievement while in game it shows I received it. However on TA and Xbox under achievements it show I haven't. It's been 3 days now and still nothing. I've since popped another achievement in game and that one has shown up. Any advice?
    Posted by KBK MUPPET on 22 Feb 15 at 15:43
    DeviSlatorKBK MUPPET, make a post on xbox support forums. Eventually they'll manually unlock it for you
    Posted by DeviSlator on 23 Apr 15 at 21:51
    BuckswanaJust let mine run after I was done everything else. Figured it was glitched, since it still hadn't popped after another 10-15 hours, then it just popped out of the blue.
    Posted by Buckswana on 12 May 15 at 16:19
    ForfeitFawn269I thing it glitches at my phone as well. What you suggest: reset or wait?
    Posted by ForfeitFawn269 on 15 May 15 at 10:58
    CurtiesonThis is also my last one, I am completely done with the game but haven't popped this yet. I am a little worried about leaving my phone on all night so I'm going to try a couple more 2-3 hr sessions to see if I can get it to pop first...
    Posted by Curtieson on 29 Aug 15 at 21:15
    DeviSlatorNearly a year I've been waiting on Microsoft to fix this glitched achievement for me. Not impressed
    Posted by DeviSlator on 06 Apr 16 at 20:56
    OverIoadHad the game running well over 10 hours over different sessions while waiting for the smoke to clear ingame. That did not unlock it. Decided to try the 10 hour continues thing and that worked fine!

    Started the game around 4:45PM and just let it run in a level. It unlocked according to the timestamp at 2:43AM. Thats exactly 10 hours later. Making me think it resets the counter every time you boot the game. I did use an old version v1.0.3.0 so it may be different on the latest update.
    Posted by OverIoad on 03 Dec 16 at 09:36
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