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1337 achievement in Nerdist


No, we're not talking about the Hundred Years War - watch 1,337 minutes of Nerdist content.

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How to unlock the 1337 achievement

  • SpilnerSpilner
    Locked 31 Mar 2015
    Unfortunately if you fast forward through the videos to watch 100 videos faster that time will NOT count for this and the other time achievement.

    You have to actually watch 3hours and 14 minutes of videos and a total of 22hours and 17minutes for the other achievement, the longest videos are 'Podcasts' at over an hour long each. You can watch the same one over and over again and still count or you can 'Play All' and have it play out on its own.

    I highly suggest snapping the Nerdist app by double tapping cn_guide - cn_RSu - cn_RSr and choosing the Nerdist app whilst you game or do something else.
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