For this you must complete the first 7 missions.
You can do this on the easiest difficulty and only have to complete the primary objective in each level. The last mission is the only one that is even remotely difficult in my opinion as there are alot of soldiers, a vehicle that patrols and spawns 4-5 soldiers if it spots you and you have 5 minutes to destroy the nuke. The timer stops after that and you can do secondary objective and grab any collectibles if you want, or just head to straight to the extraction for this achievement.
If you are having difficulty remember you can call in support like grenades, rockets or airstrikes and also health kits, speed boosts and reinforcements using command points.
I also recommend paying the 7000 for the intel pack for level 7 as it shows all enemies and also the vehicles location when you check the map. Handy for planning ahead and getting all collectibles.