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Super-Charged Potpourri achievement in Broken Sword 5 - The Serpent's Curse

Super-Charged Potpourri

Nearly made Pearl faint with heavenly delight.

Super-Charged Potpourri0

How to unlock the Super-Charged Potpourri achievement

  • Team BretherTeam Brether
    27 Aug 2015 31 Aug 2015 08 Sep 2015
    24 0 0
    Missable achievement.

    In episode 1 you need to pick up flowers in the flower shop.

    In episode 2 don't feed the goat the flowers whatever you do! Also if the goat butts you you lose a random item so if you do lose them reload a save.

    Finally when you need to make pot pourri for Pearl you mix eau de toilette with wood shavings. Just add the flowers to this mix and the achievement will pop.
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