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Commander achievement in Rugby League Live 3 (Xbox 360)


Win a match using the Auckland Nines ruleset.


How to unlock the Commander achievement

  • Mikeplays00Mikeplays00
    14 Feb 2019 15 Feb 2019
    This is another one that can be a bit tricky depending on your skill level.

    Go into quick match, on the bottom left will be the option for Auckland nines.
    Auckland nines is fairly similar to the standard rugby league rules, with a few exceptions, 9 players a side, unlimited subs and crucially 2 9 minute halves as opposed to the standard 40 minutes. There are a few other differences but they're not really important for our purposes.

    Choose your teams, play the match and (hopefully) win.

    If you need to make this easier, turn the difficulty down to rookie, and play as a better ranked team (such as Australia) against a lower ranked team.

    Hope this helps anyone that was struggling with this one
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