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Money Truck achievement in Rugby League Live 3 (Xbox 360)

Money Truck

Earn a total of $10,000,000 in career mode as a player.

Money Truck0

How to unlock the Money Truck achievement

  • RyyhlzRyyhlz
    17 Jun 2016 19 Jun 2016
    Go to the fanhub and create a new player in any NRL team:
    - Change position to halfback
    - Change DOB to 2002 (13 years old)
    - Increase all attributes

    Start a new career as a star player and then choose your created player
    Go to the calendar and simulate to the end of the year
    Once a new year has started, go to the calendar again and simulate to may 31st
    Advance time on the main screen and press Y to simulate games until you receive contract offers
    Accept the highest offer
    *NOTE* - Simulating will depend on how many years the contract is for
    eg. if you accept a 1 year contract
    - simulate to the end of the current year
    - then simulate to may 31st the next year
    2 year deal:
    - simulate to the end of the current year
    - simulate to the end of the next year
    - simulate to may 31st the following year
    Repeat until you have earned $10,000,000 which can be monitored next to 'BAL' - you will need to simulate one more game for the achievement to unlock

    I was able to unlock the achievement when my player was 24, giving you many more years to play with, unlike using Anthony Milford who I tried to use but failed to receive contract offers at age 30, earning just below to 10 mil.
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    DrMmmPieI know this is an old game, but to just wanted to add doesn't need to be on the same player, was using a Anthony Milford and simming each year got to 2026. had about ~9.6m didn't get a new contract. Picked new pro bal read 0 simmed a few games earned 400k achievement popped
    Posted by DrMmmPie on 21 Jun 23 at 19:01
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