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A-Maze Me achievement in Barbie & Her Sisters: Puppy Rescue

A-Maze Me

Find a puppy in the hedge maze

A-Maze Me0

How to unlock the A-Maze Me achievement

  • petranatpetranat
    06 Nov 2015 06 Nov 2015
    This is story-related and can't be missed. You'll get this after you rescue the puppy that's stuck in the hedge maze. The controls in the hedge maze are kind of weird and stiff, so just try to round corners smoothly to ensure you get through the maze quickly and painlessly. laugh
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    DeAtHisLaNdI just want to add that after playing for 8 hours and not getting this achievement, It was about to drive me crazy....But then I answer my phone and I had to go to the gardens. What was my surprise when I saw a the "hedge maze".... My tips is keep answering your call and good luck !
    Posted by DeAtHisLaNd on 12 Nov 15 at 18:49
    petranat+1, yeah, you need to go away from the pet rescue centre, and make SURE you answer your phone - the game uses the phone to prompt you to rescue the puppy in the hedge maze.
    Posted by petranat on 12 Nov 15 at 22:47
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