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Bang! achievement in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege


Eliminate 5 opponents with pistols.


How to unlock the Bang! achievement

  • The Gods DevilThe Gods Devil
    05 Dec 2015 05 Dec 2015 23 Sep 2019
    They completely changed the achievement.

    I'm not playing this game anymore, but it's as easy as get 5 kills total with a pistol????

    The easiest way of completing this achievement is to play on normal.

    You will unlock this situation after you completed the first 10 situations. Some reported tho that you needed to have 3 starred all 10 situation before it unlocked.

    The biggest problem here are your teammates that seemingly randomly run around (and die). The best tactic is to choose IQ and scan the 4 bomb spots from the outside of the building. Never go inside the building, because it will basically be a death trap.

    1st bomb spot: When you start left down, the first bomb spot is on the first corner of the university. Scan the corner, when you see nothing then move on to the right. Watch out for the front entrance and move to the next corner.
    2nd bomb spot: The next corner, same as first, scan if nothing found: move on to the roof.
    3rd bomb spot: This one is all the way in the left back (where the lowered part of the roof is). Stand on the lowered roof and scan the inside of the building.
    4th bomb spot: directly below the 3rd one.

    Diffusing the bomb:
    When you have found a bomb, open up a window and kill everything inside. When inside its paramount to make sure that the bomb is spotted. This will make your teammates aware that there is a bomb and they will speed to the bomb to diffuse it. You will have lost already a couple of teammates by now but that is okay. Try to communicate to them that they have to put the diffuser near the window, (and grab some ammo on the way) so you can stay outside while all the enemies are inside. If they fail to do so, then either kill them and put the diffuser at the window, or just let them die inside, their bodies will probably keep the terrorist away long enough so the bomb is diffused.

    The actual diffusal:
    When the diffuser is at the window a few things will happen.
    When it's on the ground floor: Some terrorist WILL spawn outside, mostly between 3 and 6 of them. Kill them quickly and start sitting outside the window. When the diffuser turns red, don't panic. It will take the terrorist roughly 10s to disarm it. Take your time: just shoot straight at the diffuser and when it turns yellow, move back to cover. Enemies will spawn infinite, but they stop spawning when there are a certain amount of them on the map. Kill a few, wait, kill the diffuser guy, wait, rinse and repeat till its diffused. Now the hardest part begins. When you still have teammates clear out the room quickly, when your alone, hop between 2 windows and shoot them. Take your time to do so because on normal you have infinite time, they will scream when they reload, ofcourse the best time for you to pop around the corner and kill em. Take the diffuser and some ammo and move on to the next bomb spot.

    And that is pretty much it. Same story on second bomb and your done.

    Some small things:
    When standing on the lower roof, enemies WILL spawn below you and rappel up.
    When standing below the lower roof, enemies WILL spawn near the cars.
    Enemies WILL spawn infinite, so don't try to kill em all.

    Guide not helping? View 3 more guides for this achievement.

    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    vVerdyvI can't get this, I get teamkilled every time.
    Posted by vVerdyv on 01 Mar 18 at 23:45
    EndorsedAphid33Im going to add that you dont need to 3 star the other missions for this to unlock
    Posted by EndorsedAphid33 on 03 Mar 18 at 17:07
    leventdepeventGlitched done this several times but no achievement. I got the bartlett weapon skin unlocked.
    Posted by leventdepevent on 27 Jul 18 at 17:32
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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  • HieronimusHieronimus
    12 Jun 2019 12 Jun 2019
    16 0 1
    Now that the requirements have changed with the June 2019 update, this achievement is very easy to get. Just load up a terrorist hunt game on normal difficulty and get 5 kills on the AI with any pistol. No need to do this in Casual/Ranked although you probably could do it in these game modes as well.
    Showing only comment.
    K1LL3R BEEZLooks like they removed T-Hunt as an option? I was looking for it but instead found I could play "Lone Wolf" matches under "Training Grounds". It's just you and the AI, kinda like T-Hunt but with the multiplayer scenarios. Once you spawn you can switch to your pistol and hunt down the AI.
    Posted by K1LL3R BEEZ on 31 Mar 20 at 23:27
  • TrevisTrevis
    02 Feb 2016 02 Feb 2016
    17 1 0
    To unlock this achievement you must complete the Mission Article 5, which is unlocked after completing all 10 Situations. Use IQ to scan for the bombs.

    Here is my video Guide to complete the mission.
There is 1 other guide for this achievement
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