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Jack of All Trades achievement in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Jack of All Trades

Win 1 round with every Pathfinder Operator in Ranked.

Jack of All Trades0

How to unlock the Jack of All Trades achievement

  • AK Kris 907AK Kris 907
    28 Jun 2019 28 Jun 2019
    So it seems the achievement has changed from what others are posting. You can only get it from winning a round with the operator in a ranked matched now. In order to play ranked matches, first you need to get your account to a clearance level of 30 as well as unlock all of the operators you do not have in the list below. Once that is complete start playing ranked matches and use the following operators:



    Side note: In ranked teams can ban certain operators from being used in the entire match. But keep playing anyways because if you quit the match, you receive a penalty and loose renown as well as a timeout of 15 minutes from matchmaking.

    Guide not helping? View 5 more guides for this achievement.

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    DoomScottDo you have to be alive at the end of the round for it to count?
    Posted by DoomScott on 13 May 23 at 09:49
    Hitman DarknessI went through with all 20 and No chevo
    Posted by Hitman Darkness on 26 Sep 23 at 20:30
    MagmaticNevada8Didn't unlock. Downvoted
    Posted by MagmaticNevada8 on 01 Nov 24 at 20:08
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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  • The CroissantThe Croissant
    06 Dec 2015 03 Dec 2015
    23 10 0
    There are two steps to this achievement:

    1) Unlock all Operators
    2) Play a round with each Operator

    The difficult part is unlocking all of the Operators, which is going to cost you a lot of Renown. Step One for this achievement is the same as earning the Full Roster achievement. I have made a separate guide for Full Roster, but I'll just paste the solution below.

    "There are two attackers and two defenders within each CTU, for a total of four Operators. With the five CTUs, that means you have 20 Operators to unlock. The Renown required to unlock Operators increases each time you unlock an Operator in a CTU, (the first costs 500, the second is 1000, then 1500 and finally 2000). It costs 5000 Renown to unlock all Operators within any given CTU, so you are looking at 25000 total required Renown to unlock every Operator.

    Fellow TA user X1 Two helped to figure out the fastest way to earn all of the Renown you will need to unlock all of the Operators. Playing the single player Situations mode in its entirety and earning three stars on every mission will earn you somewhere around 7000 Renown (this also earns you the 50G Completionist achievement). Viewing all of the tutorials from the main menu will earn you an additional 800 Renown. However, replaying the Situations after your first playthrough yields very little Renown per hour, so this is not a good method to farm Renown. For the remaining ~18000 Renown, X1 Two says that playing Terrorist Hunt Elimination missions on Normal difficulty is the fastest way to consistently earn Renown. If you are consistently winning and surviving during these missions you can earn about 1700 Renown per hour. So it will take a little more than 10 hours of Terrorist Hunt missions to earn enough Renown for this achievement. This will also help you get some of the achievements that you need to play a lot of Terrorist Hunt for, so it seems to be a pretty effective use of in game time. I will update this if any better strategies are discovered."

    After you have unlocked all Operators and earned your 50G Full Roster achievement, you need to play a round with each operator. In a regular multiplayer match, just switch Operators after you complete each round. You can get through 3-5 Operators per game this way, and there are only 20 in the game so far. It shouldn't take you too long to get this after you have done all the hard work earning Renown. Hope this helps!
  • NicholasKidmanNicholasKidman
    08 Feb 2023 08 Feb 2023 09 Oct 2023
    Original Post Feb. 8 2023

    Ok Finally got this after a lot of work! Firstly everyone needs to stop saying achievements are broken when they are being unlocked daily as well as one may not understand the full requirements of the achievements.

    This achievement description IS MISLEADING and understandable to say it's not working but it is, At time of writing this, I have over 300 hours in Siege, many of which are Ranked, already have the Gold Ranked Achievement, I am not sure that previous plays and wins count for this and Full Roster achievement as I definitely needed to go through the full list to complete the requirements. Below is how many wins I had on each Operator ending with the final ALIVE win for Ash, that popped the achievement.

    SLEDGE - WIN x3 (Alive x1)
    THATCHER - WIN x2 (Alive x1)
    ASH - WIN x3 (Alive x1)
    THERMITE - WIN x2 (Alive x1)
    TWITCH - WIN x2 (Alive x1)
    MONTAGNE - WIN x4 (Alive x1)
    GLAZ - WIN x3 (Alive x1)
    FUZE - WIN x2 (Alive x1)
    BLITZ - WIN x2 (Alive x1)
    IQ - WIN x2 (Alive x1)

    SMOKE - WIN x4 (Alive x1)
    MUTE - WIN x7 (Alive x1)
    CASTLE - WIN x2 (Alive x1)
    PULSE - WIN x6 (Alive x3)
    DOC - WIN x2 (Alive x1)
    ROOK - WIN x2 (Alive x1)
    KAPKAN - WIN x3 (Alive x1)
    TACHANKA - WIN x3 (Alive x1)
    JAGER - WIN x2 (Alive x1)
    BANDIT - WIN x2 (Alive x1)

    These are just how many wins I personally had, you may have an easier time getting everyone through alive than I.

    Good Hunting!

    Previously understood you had to be alive to get progress but as others have observed, it doesn't matter as I had thought
    REDACTED; [This achievement is specifically for Winning a round with each Pathfinder Operator, and staying ALIVE. To my understanding you are required to stay alive during the round and win the round ALIVE- I do not think it counts otherwise.]
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    NicholasKidmanGlad it worked with death for you but I couldn't get a pass dead.
    Posted by NicholasKidman on 10 Mar 23 at 02:48
    Keyser Soze0000This does seem buggy still, I made sure to win a round alive with each operator and nothing happened, I checked on the R6 stats page and my win with Twitch did not register, unlocked after winning the round dead.
    Posted by Keyser Soze0000 on 09 Oct 23 at 16:53
    NicholasKidmanAlright! considering both of your input, I'll adjust the wording of the solution. Thank You!
    Posted by NicholasKidman on 09 Oct 23 at 18:19
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