The method I found out that worked best for me was by playing on the Bank map - Vault spawn on normal difficulty.
Minimum players required are two.
The operator of choice is
Tachanka as his machine gun is key if you want to use this solution,for your teammate I would suggest using the
Bandit operator and select barbed wire over the nitro cell as the combination of barbed wire and shock wire are very useful if placed below the ceiling entry points (described below) as enemies will get stuck in it giving you more time to kill them.
Now,with this method you'll have
4 points where enemies can come from:
1- Outside the Vault door from the ceiling (
entry 1)
2- From the ceiling of the elevator (
entry 2)
3- From the 2 doors (stairs and parking lot) on the right hand side from where you place your machine gun (
entry 3)
-From the door at the end of the hallway from where you place your machine gun (
entry 4)
How this method works:-Place your machine gun in between the 2 elevators
This way you'll have a nice view of the
entry 4 (this is where most the enemies will come from)
entry 3 which will be on your right side
And also
entry 1 on your left
The only entry point that you will NOT be able to cover is entry 2 (elevator ceiling)
this is where your teammate should have it covered for you but he also should keep an eye on entry 1 in case Tachanka is busy killing enemies from the other entry points.
By placing the machine gun this way enemies will hardly have any time to aim and shoot at you as they will come right in your line of fire.
The Bandit should place his electric trap below the entry points 1 and 2Shield enemies:This shouldn't be a problem,keep in mind that they can come from ANY entry point,what worked for me was to use a short burst directed to the enemies feet that remains unprotected form the shield when he is standing,if he is crouching I would aim at his right hand protruding from the shield,also when he reloads his pistol is a good opportunity to hit him.
Suicide bomber:He will
always spawn at the 4th and last round and can come from ANY entry point,the easiest and quickest way to take care of him is by headshot,see below for an additional tip that can help killing him more easily.
Optional tip:I found out that the shield can be useful in case the suicide bomber (keep in mind that he can come from ANY entry point) comes from entry 3 or 4 as he will have to vault over the shield giving you a little more time to kill him.
If you need ammo for the machine gun use the ammo bag near the hostageWith this method it should take you around 7-8 minutes to complete one defend match and get you around 2000 exp.
Getting the right mapTo make it much easier to get the right map make sure everyone in your party goes to the Options on Matchmaking preferences and turn everything off except for Protect the hostage and the Bank map.
Any suggestion on how to improve the solution is appreciated