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"Autoblocker" completed achievement in Cubot - The Complexity of Simplicity

"Autoblocker" completed

The 8 levels of "Autoblocker" episode were completed

Autoblocker completed0

How to unlock the "Autoblocker" completed achievement

  • Call Me MingoesCall Me Mingoes
    09 Jan 2016 08 Jan 2016
    426 7 55
    Thought I help out by posting guide here. All Moves in Correct Order Credit to Reinert K.

    Episode 10
    Level 1 - R R R D R U R R
    Level 2 - D R L R D R U R U R D R R R
    Level 3 - L U D L U D L U U D R R D L L R D D L R D R U U U
    Level 4 - D U L D R R U R D R R U R D R L D R L L L R R L U R R R L D R L L U U R
    Level 5 - R D R L L D U R R R D U U L D L D R R U U D L L U U L D U U L
    Level 6 - R U U D D L U U U R R R R L R U L U L L L D R R R L D L L D R R D U U
    Level 7 - R R U L D D D L L R U R D R R R R R R U U U R L L D D D L D D R U R U U L U R U R U
    Level 8 - U R R U L R R U R R D R D R L D R U R R R U R U L L D R R R L U U R D L D D D R R D R U L U R D D L L U U R D R U L D L D R L U U U D R U L D L L L U U L U R U D R R R D D R L D R D L R D D

    Guide not helping? View 2 more guides for this achievement.

    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    DooMiNaTriXxTHANK YOU TO POSTER IN 2020! WE STILL LOVE YA! Made that extremely easy for me, although half way giving me a headache! Not your fault though lol

    Thank you TheBongoFury your idea with the notepad really helped me through the last few levels when there were way too many letters on my screen for my brain to handle!!!
    Posted by DooMiNaTriXx on 13 Mar 20 at 18:17
    pongulf92Also easier to turn of music
    Posted by pongulf92 on 01 Apr 20 at 09:40
    SnoozedsUsing TheBongoFury's way of writing, here is the last level simplified for anyone interested:

    Level 8:
    U R R U L
    R R U R
    R D R D
    R L D R
    U R R R
    U R U L
    L D R R
    R L U U (wait for teleporter)
    R D L D
    D D R R
    D R U L
    U R D D
    L L U U
    R D R U
    L D L D
    R L U U
    U D R U
    L D L L
    L U U L
    U R U (wait for teleporter)
    D R R R D
    D R L D
    R D L R
    D D
    Posted by Snoozeds on 13 Jun 20 at 13:16
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
    Add a guide to share them with the community.

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  • PeskywaabbitPeskywaabbit
    10 Jan 2016 16 Feb 2017
    13 1 2
    Hey guys! I've created a simple video guide that displays each command or if you want to listen, I have a text to speech program reading out each command at the correct time so you never even have to look at the commands yourself. Each level is time stamped at the bottom of the video if you get lost. To unlock this achievement you just have to finish the 8 levels included within Episode 10.

    Episode 10 starts at 30:00 through the video, however starting from the beginning will give you a full comprehensive guide as fast as the game goes, with minimal effort. smile

    Showing both comments.
    AgileDukeSpeach is to quick for me, if slower a bit slower would of been a great solution
    Posted by AgileDuke on 19 Feb 17 at 17:20
    PeskywaabbitFair enough mate. I will keep that in mind next time I do another guide. I got the guy to say it as slow as possible and I passed the game 3 times with the commands and solutions so I thought it was bullet proof. I guess not smile

    Thanks for at least giving it a go and I appreciate the feedback! :)
    Posted by Peskywaabbit on 19 Feb 17 at 18:24
  • lucasgodfalllucasgodfall
    16 Sep 2018 29 Feb 2020 14 Jan 2021
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