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Scout achievement in ROBLOX


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How to unlock the Scout achievement

  • Removed Gamer
    Gamer has been removed
    This is straight forward. Just play any game and once you quit, the achievement is yours.clap

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    ILøveHarleyYep, it’s bugged alongside the other two achievements for playing a certain amount of games. No one has won these achievements since May 28 and, everytime I check my Roblox stats, it indicates I’ve played “0 games” despite having played well over 30 as well.

    Who knows when or if they’re gonna fix it
    Posted by ILøveHarley on 15 Jun at 11:15
    Dope JoopI submitted a ticket about the 4 broken achievements and I received a response that the devs will look into it. I hope that they are able to fix it soon.

    Please also submit a ticket if you are experiencing this issue to increase priority.
    Posted by Dope Joop on 07 Jul at 20:00
    Dope JoopThe three play different games achievements have been fixed. Only Strength In Numbers is still bugged
    Posted by Dope Joop on 11 Jul at 18:42
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  • reddySTEVEreddySTEVE
    04 Feb 2017 27 May 2018 27 May 2018
    21 0 0
    First, you will have to use your fingers to use the controller to select the ROBLOX app. Press cn_A to open the app (which is located to the right of the cn_RS). Once it has opened, you will see the title. You will see below that title telling you to "Press cn_A to Begin." Do as it says and press cn_A on your controller. Then you should be on the main screen. Press cn_LSu, then press cn_LSr two times onto the "GAMES" section. Once you have done that, use cn_LS to select one of the games you can play. Selected one? Good. Now you should be on that Game menu screen showing you the thumbnail, the title, and the description. The Play button should be selected by default, if not: Navigate your selection hitbox with the cn_LS to the Play button. Then press cn_A to open it. It then should be loaded. Once you are in, do whatever you want while you're inside the game. When you are done, press the cn_start on your controller, which is located under the cn_guide button, to the right of the cn_X button, and above the cn_RS. Then, navigate your selection box to the bottom symbol, it has a box with a right arrow going out of it, then it should say "Leave Game" on it. Then, press it with the cn_A button. There should be a sentence asking you "Are you sure you want to leave the game?" Press Leave with the cn_A button. And then, you should have your Achievement unlocked, you will know this with the notification on the bottom of your screen.
  • tsmpriustsmprius
    12 Feb 2016 11 Jan 2017
    16 0 0
    This one is easy. Just find any game and load it up, play for a bit, and quit. The achievement will pop.
There are 4 other guides for this achievement
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