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Marathon achievement in ROBLOX


Play a Roblox game for one hour.

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How to unlock the Marathon achievement

  • themusicluvr13themusicluvr13
    27 Jan 2016 27 Jan 2016 29 Jan 2016
    158 6 42
    This is non-cumulative. You need to be in a single game for 1 hour. I simply plugged my controller in, to keep it from turning off, loaded up the "Speed Run 4" game, went into the map and stood on a platform, and let my control sit while I got ready for work this morning. Shouldn't be hard to get at all.

    Edit: Per Michael and some of the other comments below, you need to hit your sticks once or twice during that hour as the game will kick you for idling. Apologies for not mentioning that, as I believe I did hit them once or twice during the hour.

    Edit: Others are reporting you can get this even with the disconnection, if you leave the game on. To be safe, I would definitely recommend moving the sticks once or twice to keep you from going idle.

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    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    MortalViper5Didn't even pop at all!!!
    Posted by MortalViper5 on 22 Nov 22 at 21:05
    miguelenojadoPut a timer on my phone and rubber band on my controller. Popped while I was doing housework, didn't have to exit the game
    Posted by miguelenojado on 17 Sep 23 at 23:21
    Corn 0nThe CobbJust let your controller sleep. I immediately turned my wireless controller off to save battery and this unlocked.
    Posted by Corn 0nThe Cobb on 15 Jul at 06:13
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  • X8BIT ScorpionXX8BIT ScorpionX
    30 Jan 2016 31 May 2017
    18 7 0
    I feel that I should say that many of these games crash on you. If that happens while you're trying to get this achievement, try playing something simple, with volume and graphics at the lowest setting. It will also help if you're by yourself and have at least 30GB in your Xbox's storage, good internet, and on a 1player only baseplate game.
    Try making your own game on the PC version of ROBLOX just for this achievement, I did this for a few friends and it worked for them.
    If you have this all done, just wait an hour and remember to press the buttons every few minutes.
  • DerekBrody23DerekBrody23
    22 Jul 2017 22 Jan 2024 22 Jan 2024
    For any person to unlock the achievement they would have to be in a single Roblox game for a consecutive one hour it's pretty straightforward but it could get pretty boring. In my opinion, I would choose a game that allows AFK-ing

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