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Drops in the Bucket achievement in Rocket League

Drops in the Bucket

Collect 50 Items

Drops in the Bucket0
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How to unlock the Drops in the Bucket achievement

  • Dream FiendDream Fiend
    17 Feb 2016 17 Feb 2016 17 Feb 2016
    41 13 2
    You unlock a new item after every match you finish so this will come with naturally playing the game however if you just want to get this achievement over with or want to unlock a lot of customization items for yourself the quickest way to unlock items (from what I have seen/done so far) is as follows:

    - Go to Exhibition
    - Arena = DFH Stadium (any arena will do though)
    - Team Size = 1v1
    - Bot Difficulty = No Bots
    - Go into Mutator Settings and change "Max Score" to 1 Goal
    - Create Match
    - Choose either team
    - Just hold your boost right off the start going directly at the ball, just as you are about to hit the ball brake (milliseconds before, this is just to prevent the ball hitting the crossbar instead of going in)
    - Skip the highlight, hit ok or equip on the item you unlocked then hit ready to rematch the bot

    With this method each match only takes 20 seconds or so (including loading) so it would only take about 15 or so minutes going from exactly 0 but you most likely saved this for later and already have a lot of items unlocked so it won't even take that long. Enjoy!

    Guide not helping? View 2 more guides for this achievement.

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    sorininfNot correct anymore... needs an Update!
    Posted by sorininf on 10 Jun 21 at 05:31
    Im CrossboxIf anyone can help me out with any of the item achievements, it'd be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
    Posted by Im Crossbox on 13 Jul 23 at 22:06
  • Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?
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  • Gary VargaGary Varga
    05 Nov 2020 07 Oct 2020 07 Oct 2020
    21 0 1
    As specified by A Batwoman in the comments of another guide, items are now attained through challenges.

    Challenges are accessible via cn_RB when in the main menu. Once you have completed a challenge you need to go and manually claim it. Unsurprisingly, these are claimed by selecting the Claim button.

    Strangely, the challenges interface is a little weird and even is a bit glitchy. Sometimes in some menus you can't select individual challenges. If that happens then back out one level and go in again. Also note, on the first page you need to go down to the challenges using cn_RS.
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    A BatwomanHey thanks for the credit. Crappy they updated it.
    Posted by A Batwoman on 18 Feb 21 at 06:55
    18 Feb 2016 18 Feb 2016
    15 7 0
    Hey everyone,
    Here is a video guide that explains how to get this achievement quicker and easier then if you was playing against people online. So make sure to check it out if you want an easier time with this achievement.
    Thanks Benjaminh428

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