You get this for beating the 3rd level.
1) The first coin is to the left of the teepee. Click it and then go to the far right screen. In the lower right corner is a club. To get it, you need to cross the holes without falling in. The little fuzzy thing in the holes sits in the second hole unless your cursor is on him.
2) You want to fall into each of the holes though. So click the club. You'll fall into the first hole. Click the club and move your mouse/finger to the second hole and leave it there until you fall in. You got the first coin of the level!
3) Finally, actually get the club. Click it, mouse over the second hole until you walk over the first, then move your mouse to make the fuzzy thing come back.
4) Once you have the club, click on the sleeping dino's tail. He'll yell and the music will change.
5) Go back to the middle area. The stones on the left will be bouncing now. You want to mouse over a pillar in the middle to clear all of the dirt off.
6) Back to the rocks. You need to time it so they are off of the road, and then click the sun to change it to night. This will make them stop hopping.
7) Click the weird pot with a face at the top of the road. Now that there are no rocks it will walk to the left screen. Follow it.
8) Click on the gong to hit it with the mallet to wake the shaman up.
9) Click him and he will rain dance, causing him to get zapped, and causing you to get an achievement.
10) Pick up his rain staff. Go back to the middle area.
11) Click the two stars in a vertical line to the left of the moon. You will see corresponding lights on the pillar you brushed off earlier. Click the middle start of that pattern as well.
12) Click the water rock to rain dance and move the cloud.
13) Click the 2 stars you revealed to open the cave by the pillar with the lights. Click the rest of the stars to get the last coin of the level!
14) In the cave you just opened is another pot. Click it to steal its tree.
15) Bring the tree to the left screen and put it in the other pot. Go retrieve your rain staff and return to the left screen.
16) Click the rain stone to have the cloud water the tree. Click the tree (not the fruit) to drop the fruit on your head.
17) Go back to the middle screen. Pick up the fruit. Go to the right screen.
18) Place the fruit in the sleeping dino's trunk. Click his tail to have him shoot it across the level, ripping a hole in the bat/sugar glider? stretched over the firefly.
19) Return to the middle screen to get your rain staff. Return to the right screen.
20) Pull the dino's tail one last time to move the cloud.
21) Click the rain stone to have the cloud fill the cave with water, dropping the firefly.
22) Click it to beat the level!