You get this for beating level 6.
1) Go to the far right screen. Here you will find a monkey butt on a giant keyboard.
2) Click the butt quickly until a monkey appears on the top left. Click the red button while he's up there to have him grab a banana and jump off screen.
3) Pick up the banana in front of the keyboard and bring it back to the monkey in the far left area.
4) Grab the battery the second monkey revealed and bring it to the middle area.
5) Set it down on the left circle, and head back to the right area.
6) Grab the battery here and set it on the right circle back in the middle area.
7) Finally, stand on the second left-most circle, and click the black slate in the middle. It will swing around revealing a third monkey, and the banana on the blue pedestal will warp to him.
8) Head back to the left area. Click the slate to be presented with a few multiple choice problems.
9) Get them all right on your first go to receive the level's first coin. The solutions are: Middle, Right, Left, Left, Middle.
10) You'll get a pair of magnifying glasses and an achievement once you complete the slate. Return to the middle area.
11) Look above the blue pedestal where the banana was to find the second coin. Click the banana icon on the slate.
12) A giant banana phone??? The passcode is hidden around the level. Highlight the QR codes in each area to reveal a number of the code. Or just look here: 2860.
13) Once on the phone, click the pig icon. We get to play farmville :D! Click the plot and wait. X out of the popup, and when your barn is finally built you'll receive the last coin for the level.
14) Next, click the camera icon. Here, you'll have to get in focus, and choose the right colors by clicking the black marks around the frame of the camera. Once you are perfect, it's selfie time!
15) Email button next! Click the reply button, and then click the skull button to complete this icon.
16) The fire icon is next. Click it and wait a few seconds.
17) Finally the Internet icon. Here you will need to X out of popups until the minigame is finished.
18) Once you have completed each app, the phone will turn into a rocket for some reason and you will beat the level!