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AKRE! achievement in Fire: Ungh's Quest (Windows)




How to unlock the AKRE! achievement

  • SquiggleBucketSquiggleBucket
    06 Mar 2016 06 Mar 2016 06 Mar 2016
    20 0 3
    You get this for beating the last level.

    Note: If you have all of the coins already, once you open the glyph door, you can go through and skip the last few steps.

    1) Pick up the fire staff on the ground in the first area. Go to the right twice.
    2) In the background of this area is a dirty rock. Brush over it to reveal a set of lights, similar to an earlier level.
    3) At the top of the level are little monster things. Click the two that correspond to the lights on the rock.
    4) Click the fire stone to dance and change the smoke, revealing another monster you need to click.
    5) Use the fire dance stone again, and click the final monster in the background to unlock the cave.
    6) Go through the cave, and to the right. Pickup the bone.
    7) Before you leave, open the glyph door. Click the one at the top that looks like an axe, the one in the middle that looks like a feather/leaf on a circle, the one in the lower right that looks like two rectangles, and the one in the lower left that looks like two other rectangles. Because you are opening the door before you're supposed to, you'll get the first coin for the level!
    8) Take the bone back to the left screen, and click on the fruit. You'll throw the bone into it, knocking it down. Pick up the fruit.
    9) Go back through the cave. Put your fruit into the sleeping dino's trunk.
    10) Pull his tail to have him shoot the fruit at the sleeping bat in the corner.
    11) Pick up the fork that the bat dropped, and go back through the cave.
    12) Go to the right, and put the fork in the chain on the right side. Go left.
    13) Pick up the bottle and go back through the cave. Go back to the left twice.
    14) Put the bottle in the little blue mound. The squirrel will start flying across the screen now.
    15) Click the blue button to shoot the bottle at the squirrel. If you hit it on your first try you will get a coin. And for hitting it you get an achievement!
    16) Go all the way back to the right, through the cave, and to the right one more time.
    17) In this area, click on the glowing circle to change into a bear. Head left.
    18) Pickup the large rock with the bear. Head back through the cave.
    19) Go left once. Place the rock in the lava to create a path to the glasses.
    20) Back to the bear transformer. Turn back into a human and return to the glasses.
    21) With the glasses on, head back through the cave, to the area with the fruit tree. Look up at the sky, and now that you have the glasses you should be able to find the last coin!
    22) Head to the right, and go into the cave we opened earlier.
    23) Pick up the stick on the ground on the right, and then click the fire to beat the game!
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    AxDEMONxWITHINWas a great walkthrough, thanks
    Posted by AxDEMONxWITHIN on 31 Mar 16 at 14:47
    SquiggleBucketNo problem :) Glad it helped toast
    Posted by SquiggleBucket on 01 Apr 16 at 02:19
    I SikhWarrior IVery helpful walkthrough, thanks.
    Posted by I SikhWarrior I on 24 Nov 16 at 00:01
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