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Danka, Lagga, Wonwon achievement in Fire: Ungh's Quest (Windows)

Danka, Lagga, Wonwon

Kullh agga 3 ogur Boga IV.

Danka, Lagga, Wonwon0

How to unlock the Danka, Lagga, Wonwon achievement

  • SquiggleBucketSquiggleBucket
    06 Mar 2016 06 Mar 2016
    You get this in the fourth level by playing the right music for each of the 3 mask people.

    Once you have all of the raspberry-ified fuzzies, they have 3 heights of music each. The right patterns are:

    Sad - 1, 3, 2, 3
    Happy - 3, 1, 1, 2
    Disco - 2, 2, 3, 1

    After you match the 3rd one you'll get the achievement! music
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