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Blubb achievement in Fire: Ungh's Quest (Windows)


Ungh ablagga oktoblubb agu Boga VIII. Pok utor og pok ator ungha bugga. Mogga bogga!


How to unlock the Blubb achievement

  • SquiggleBucketSquiggleBucket
    06 Mar 2016 06 Mar 2016 06 Mar 2016
    In the 8th level, toward the end, there is an octopus puzzle. Solve it to rescue the trapped cave woman and unlock this achievement:

    The goal is to move him to the other purple spot in front of the woman on the right. The tentacles are directional buttons. However you cannot go in the same direction 2 moves in a row.

    R, U, R, L, U, L, R, U, R, U, D, R, D, R, D.

    The octopus will grab the girl and flip his tentacles. They now point in the direction they go, instead of corresponding to a directional pad.

    L, U, R, L, U, L, U, D, L, D, L, R, D, R, L, D, L.

    The octopus will drop the girl off. Pick her up and go left to unlock an achievement.
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    xCROSSWINDSxI followed the second set of directional movement, but didn't work for me goes to Necrophage33 for this movement (once you are on the other side and your missus jumps on the octopus:
    L - D - L - D -L - R - D - R -D - U - R - U - D - R - D
    Posted by xCROSSWINDSx on 25 Feb 18 at 16:39
    Big EllThanks DVDUBB. This needs to be fixed here and in the WT!
    Posted by Big Ell on 24 Jan 19 at 18:46
    timojhenAgree - thanks for this. Was perplexed....
    Posted by timojhen on 28 Nov 19 at 18:42
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