5 0 4Actions Not my guide but here you go.Showing all 4 comments. Leave a comment. Thank you. Not sure why the steering wheel is on the American side of the car if they're in Europe, but ok.Posted by Apostle92627 on 19 Jan 22 at 02:06 Lol, the 'American' side of the car. All of Europe has it on the same side, except for Great Britain. Luz, is a city in Portugal, so it's a pretty standard side of the car to find the steering wheel at.Posted by Extase4u2 on 18 Nov 22 at 20:34 The steering wheel guy is pretty Ignorant, European side of the car😄 I think u need to research some more before making comments online, like the person above me said, its just UK that have the steering wheel on the wrong side and drive on the other side of the road. Most people in europe think it's as strange as Americans do.Posted by turjahino on 04 Jan 24 at 21:00 Thanks for the video guide.Posted by Carbonitex on 07 Apr 24 at 17:38 Leave a comment