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Fruit Basket achievement in ARCADE GAME SERIES: Pac-Man

Fruit Basket

Eat all 5 fruits (Cherry, Strawberry, Orange, Apple, Melon) in one playthrough!

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How to unlock the Fruit Basket achievement

  • Inferno118Inferno118
    25 Apr 2016 25 Apr 2016 25 Apr 2016
    55 10 15
    This achievement requires the most skill and should be saved for one of your last achievements. In order to get this, set your lives to 5 in the game options and practice learning the paths in this video:

    The way Pacman works is in a pattern. The ghost AI move in a set path depending on the moves you make. The video shows the three patterns to learn in the game that will get you through each level with minimal lives lost. Because i'm not very good, I got the achievement with two lives left, but it should be do able for anyone willing to spend a half hour to get the patterns down. ALSO, try and pair this achievement with "picky eater," which will leave you at the fourth level with no lives lost, killing two birds with one stone. This is the best way to get the achievement(s) without requiring you to be a master.
    This one requires a bit of luck and skill so Good Luck! If you leave a thumbs down please tell me why and message me if you have any questions!!!

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    thatNoseyParkerI’ve done this 3 times with no pop (or silent unlock either). It’s worth noting I abused the save technique to get picky eater (whilst eating each type of fruit at least once) on this playthrough.
    Posted by thatNoseyParker on 23 Sep 19 at 16:05
    Jamal2807I really dont wanna kill two Birds with one Stone joney boy,i dont wanna kill any birds at all otherwise Fantastic guide Ima upvote since i luv u Joey boi
    Posted by Jamal2807 on 03 Jun 23 at 19:03
    SettlingCrib503Despite people saying this achievement is the hardest I actually found surviving 3 rounds without dying or eating ghosts to be much more difficult. For anyone thats like me and easily gets overwhelmed, DO NOT pair this with that Achievement. By restricting yourself from eating ghosts, you will lose points which can give you extra lives later on. I also found it pretty easy to survive three rounds after doing that achievement as I had a system in place for the first 3 rounds. Only this time I didn’t have to run from the ghosts while in power. I got this on my third attempt after failing miserably on the first two as well, so don’t let failure discourage you from trying again. This achievement sounds a lot more complicated and hard than it actually is.
    Posted by SettlingCrib503 on 08 Nov 23 at 01:50
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  • PalesiusPalesius
    02 May 2016 03 May 2016 03 May 2016
    25 2 5
    You can abuse the save system to make this achievement very easy (if a bit time consuming). Sorry if this is a little long, I'm trying to make the instructions as clear as possible.

    If you are continuing on from the picky eater achievement, you will just need to clear 3 more levels (and survive long enough to get the melon on wave 7). You need to eat a fruit on levels 1,2, 3 OR 4, 5 OR 6, 7 OR 8. I would recommend restarting if you die before reaching wave 4 (which you will already have done if you did picky eater in the same playthrough). And then restarting if you die more than once per wave on waves 4,5, or 6. It's not that hard so you probably don't need to save your progress after every round unless it's giving you a lot of trouble. Every two is probably plenty.

    Play the game until you feel like you've made a good amount of progress towards the achievement. Then save and quit and follow the directions below to get a reusable checkpoint. Then keep playing from your checkpoint and try to get a little further and make a new checkpoint. If you mess up, or aren't doing as well as you would like, restore your previous checkpoint and try again. N.B. Your achievement will not actually pop until you go back online.

    Personally I cleared each level completely, then saved my progress. It's a personal choice of how much risk vs hassle you want to put up with. You can save your progress after every level.

    To “back up” a new checkpoint.
    1) Go online if you are offline.
    2) Save and quit.
    3) Quit the game (hit xbox button, then menu/hamburger button and select quit)
    4) Wait a while for it to synch up to the cloud (I would give it 10 to 15 minutes).
    5) Load the game.
    6) Go offline (If you are sharing your content via swapping home xboxes, you should still be able to play for a certain amount of time even offline, as long as you launch it first. Since the levels in the arcade collection are all pretty short, you should either be at the point where you are ready to go online again in just a few minutes.)
    7) Continue to play

    To restore your checkpoint
    1) Xbox button then menu/hamburger and select manage game.
    2) Go to the saved data for your gamertag and hit A, then select “DELETE FROM CONSOLE”. DO NOT SELECT “DELETE EVERYWHERE”.
    3) Go online again.
    4) Load the game and after the launch screens it will sync your save from the cloud.
    5) Once it does this, go offline again, and give it another shot.

    To go offline
    1) Settings
    2) All Settings
    3) Network
    4) Network settings
    5) Go offline

    To go online
    1) Open sidebar
    2) Go to settings section
    3) Select connect to xbox live
    4) Go online
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    Pedle ZelnipAfter failing at an attempt, I went back online, then started the game, and after the loading screens I hit A and it now says "We were unable to get your latest saved data" and I have two options "Try again" and "Use offline" and picking "Try again" just results in the same screen.

    What am I missing?
    Posted by Pedle Zelnip on 14 May 16 at 03:19
    Pedle ZelnipOk, that was just weird. At that point my save appeared to be totally gone (I could only pick level 1 as the starting level), so I quit out again, went online, went to manage game and deleted local save, then started game, and it restored fine.

    Posted by Pedle Zelnip on 14 May 16 at 03:26
    Godzilla kgContinued off the picky eater achievement and got it first try
    Just make sure to set it to 5 lives and 10k bonus
    Posted by Godzilla kg on 10 Sep 20 at 10:42
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