This achievement requires the most skill and should be saved for one of your last achievements. In order to get this, set your lives to 5 in the game options and practice learning the paths in this video:
The way Pacman works is in a pattern. The ghost AI move in a set path depending on the moves you make. The video shows the three patterns to learn in the game that will get you through each level with minimal lives lost. Because i'm not very good, I got the achievement with two lives left, but it should be do able for anyone willing to spend a half hour to get the patterns down. ALSO, try and pair this achievement with "picky eater," which will leave you at the fourth level with no lives lost, killing two birds with one stone. This is the best way to get the achievement(s) without requiring you to be a master.
This one requires a bit of luck and skill so Good Luck! If you leave a thumbs down please tell me why and message me if you have any questions!!!