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The Path Is Closed achievement in Overwatch 2

The Path Is Closed

Destroy 3 of Symmetra's Teleporters in a single Quick or Competitive Play game.

The Path Is Closed0
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How to unlock the The Path Is Closed achievement

  • PJTierneyPJTierney
    20 Jun 2016 13 Jun 2016 04 Aug 2016
    Note, this Achievement is slightly glitched. PlayStation Trophies has documented this (link below) and I can confirm from my own playing experience that the issue is the same on Xbox.

    Glitch Warning: There are reports that this trophy is unobtainable if playing as so pick another character when you go for it.

    This trophy can be very luck dependant. You will first of all need to play in a game where the opposing team has a Symmetra and after that pay attention to the voices of the characters on your own team and they will inform you that there is an "enemy teleporter located or "enemy teleporter nearby". The teleporter is a device (Symmetra's ultimate) that can be placed anywhere on the map and will teleport players from their spawn to the teleporter location. Good players will place these in very hard to find spots, so keeep a look out if you hear the characters talk about it.
    As mentioned, when I played as D.Va on Xbox against a Symmetra that set up 3 teleporters it wouldn't unlock. Can't make a comment on any other character but if you see an opportunity to unlock this in a Quick Match then I recommend switching away from D.Va.

    Update: Blizzard have fixed the bug that prevented D.Va mechs from unlocking this:

    Fixed a bug where “The Path Is Closed” Achievement could not be obtained by D.Va while in her mech


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    JamesbucSymmetra's getting a complete overwork soon with her Teleport ult being turned into a normal so this is likely to be MUCH easier when that is live.
    Posted by Jamesbuc on 29 Apr 18 at 14:18
    AxelSteel15I got it as D. Va, but I had to destroy 5 (!) of them before it popped. Needless to say, I was pretty annoyed after the third one was destroyed and nothing happened.
    Posted by AxelSteel15 on 06 Oct 20 at 16:19
    CraKeLLDestroyed 4 as Moira and still no cheevo :/
    Posted by CraKeLL on 18 Nov 22 at 20:48
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  • Naomi 99 xNaomi 99 x
    26 Jun 2018 26 Jun 2018 18 Jul 2018
    13 0 1
    Since the 2018 Symmetra update this achievement can be unlocked easier then before. Symmetra now has teleporters as her ability instead of her ultimate, She is also now in the damage section instead of support.

    Symmetra isn't on many teams, she is normally on the defending side. So it might be a few games before you find a Symmetra.
    I used Tracer because she is fast and can destroy a teleporter quite quickly I also recommend Junkrat and anyone with high damage.

    You don't exactly have to search for the teleporters because they are in sight. I got it on Hollywood, all of the Symmetra's teleporters were all near the point so its easy to get 3 just in a match.

    But you have to be quick because they don't last very long (only for a few seconds)

    I hope this helps
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    Silver1337I agree the new update made this much less luck-based, but you definitely have to be quick. From my experience, you have to get the final blow in the kill feed for it to count towards the three for the achievement; it's not enough to get the pop-up text for destroying the teleporter pad without the kill feed cue. Took me a few attempts to get all three final blows in one game.
    Posted by Silver1337 on 30 Jun 18 at 06:14
  • KazusoKazuso
    15 Jul 2017 10 Aug 2017
    This achievement is very difficult and I recommend if you die a lot use bastion who can take teleporters out very quickly in turret form if you aren't trying to suicide destroy however, pick sombra who can easily flank and destroy TP in one clip.
    I highly recommend you get to know the maps and places to hide teleporters before attempting this because it is crucial you take it down as fast as possible so symmetra can start getting ult charge again. A good game mode to try this in is payload maps on attack on comp as there is two separate round if you only get two TPs in the first, but you need to be careful as the symmetra may switch and you will have to try again later. I personally did this in quick play as bastion and sombra but the last teleported destroyed was after the game in slow motion so I highly recommend comp. Turn your sound up as listening for the teleporters sound can help pinpoint The location of the teleporter.
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