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Rocket Man achievement in Overwatch 2

Rocket Man

Get 2 killing blows with a single use of Soldier: 76's Helix Rockets in Quick or Competitive Play.

Rocket Man0
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How to unlock the Rocket Man achievement

  • Elite1111111111Elite1111111111
    02 Jun 2016 02 Jun 2016 04 Dec 2017
    23 1 8
    Inconsistent reports - Killing Blows required, just not necessarily with the Rocket.

    Soldier 76's Rockets aren't quite strong enough to kill anyone in one shot, but it does 120 damage, which will do about half hp or more to anyone except tanks. As with most multi-kill achievements, I suggest trying to pair it with a Zarya Ultimate. Other than this, the best bet for people being stacked is when they're on the payload. Save it for once you've softened them up a bit, perhaps with your own Ult.

    Your rockets do auto-aim during your Ult, but they don't get guaranteed hits like you bullets do. They lock-on to where the person was standing when you fired.
    Showing all 8 comments. Leave a comment.
    StagRayI did this and it didnt work. Just a heads up.
    Posted by StagRay on 08 Jun 16 at 19:58
    ShabobbleGot a double kill with the rockets last night, but only one of them was a killing blow. No achievement. Can confirm they must be killing blows. There was no confusion from other attacks on my part, either. I showed up to the fight, activated Helix Rockets as my first action, the announcer said "Double Kill" ... no achievement.
    Posted by Shabobble on 14 Jun 16 at 15:32
    KillipoI really can't wait until more people learn how to use Zarya properly. These multi-kill achievements will be a piece of cake.
    Posted by Killipo on 21 Jul 16 at 01:59
    xPut Name HerexGot it when rockets were the first thing I fired, didn't kill the enemy Mercy or 76 at full health. I quickly finished them off with my main gun and popped the achievement. I got the killing blow on both of them (might have done 100 to both of them), but I can assure you my rocket was not the immediate cause of their deaths.
    Posted by xPut Name Herex on 20 Sep 16 at 05:24
    Elite1111111111Thank you for the report!
    Posted by Elite1111111111 on 20 Sep 16 at 05:44
    Zaro KarosI can confirm that you do not need a double kill with a rocket, you only need to injury two players with your rocket and finish them off. You have to be the one to finish them off.
    Posted by Zaro Karos on 08 Jan 17 at 20:33
    RopeADerpI tried this 12/17 by killing one with my rockets and finishing off the other with regular fire and it didn't unlock. I'll try to edit and upload the clip I recorded so anyone can check on my profile
    Posted by RopeADerp on 03 Dec 17 at 22:35
    DeathNote2K16 hours with soldier still haven’t gotten any of his achievements angry laugh he’s my main as well and these achievements don’t seem that hard. I swear I’ve done this multiple times but didn’t get the spray so maybe it is me.
    Posted by DeathNote2K on 11 Jan 23 at 03:27
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