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Power Overwhelming achievement in Overwatch 2

Power Overwhelming

Keep Zarya's particle cannon above 70 power for 60 seconds in Quick or Competitive Play.

Power Overwhelming0
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How to unlock the Power Overwhelming achievement

  • NicoRobinsGhostNicoRobinsGhost
    29 May 2016 29 May 2016 11 Jun 2021
    39 6 8
    I got this on Hanamura map when i was attacking,the enemy had set up a torbjörn turret I stood behind the white van on the right side and kept giving a teammate a barrier cn_RB when they walked infront of the turrets , I'd activate cn_LB to give myself a barrier as i stood infront of the turrets.
    Rinse and repeat for 60 seconds and there you are.

    When the barrier takes damage a number will appear in your reticle keep it above 70% for 60 seconds.

    Good luck.

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    Slash83TTVWait torb used to be able to place 4 turrets?
    Posted by Slash83TTV on 09 Jun 21 at 19:10
    NicoRobinsGhost1 per torborn, tbh not sure why I said 4. Only way to get 4 is to play the unlimited arcade mode.
    You can do the same thing just abit harder to keep it up
    Sorry about that.
    Posted by NicoRobinsGhost on 11 Jun 21 at 08:20
    The UFO HiveI did this on quick play, open queue for overwatch 2- for longer than two minutes. On two separate occasions. No achievement.
    Posted by The UFO Hive on 21 Oct 22 at 17:09
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  • PhaydianPhaydian
    08 Jun 2016 08 Jun 2016 16 Jun 2016
    12 0 0
    I found one of the easiest maps to do this on was as an Attacker on Route 66 especially if the other team is using Torbjorn or Bastion. Start by giving one of your allies a shield as they come out the doorway cn_RB. Then once it has dissipated apply your personal shield cn_LB. You should reach 100% pretty quickly. Make sure to stay back near the spawn point and keep the same pattern. Don't bother firing your cannon unless absolutely necessary since that will drain the cannon faster. As long as you are using the train cars as cover it should be pretty quick that the achievement will activate. Feel free to duck back in the spawn to avoid being killed. Your barrier should be ready to use again before you reach 70.

    Note: A Winston's Tesla shot will also charge up your cannon very quickly but can be hard to escape if no other teammates are around to assist.

    Best of Luck
  • TranierxTranierx
    23 Jun 2016 04 Jan 2017 10 Oct 2022
    11 0 3
    What do Zarya's Barriers do?
    Particle Barrier is bound to Zarya's Ability 1 which is cn_LB by default.
    Projected Barrier is bound to Zarya's Ability 2 which is cn_RB by default.

    Particle Barrier allows Zarya to protect herself with a barrier while Projected Barrier allows Zarya to protect an ally with a barrier. Both barriers have similar properties.
    These barriers have 200 health and have a shared cooldown of 10 seconds, but have 2 charges (also shared). The barriers cleanse all status effects aside from stuns and give Zarya Energy when damaged. The only difference is that the Projected Barrier cannot be applied to the same target within 2 seconds.

    How does Zarya's Energy work?
    As stated before, damage dealt to Zarya's barriers give her Energy. This Energy strengthens her primary and secondary fire. Each barrier can give up to 40 Energy. Zarya losses 2.2 Energy/second. Dying will reset Zarya's Energy to 0.

    How do I unlock Power Overwhelming?
    To unlock this achievement, you must keep your Energy above 70 for a minute. If you manage to get to 100 Energy, you only have ~13.5 seconds until it drops below 70. Here are a few ways to gain Energy.

    • Self Destruct - Deals enough damage to give you 40 Energy and is easily countered
    • Re-Mech - Deals enough damage to give you 40 Energy but requires a bit more timing and has a smaller range
    Showing all 3 comments.
    CrazySigaJust to add, you will be kicked for being "inactive" (not doing or taking any damage from the enemy team). My achievement popped just before I got kicked. So try and get your shield up as fast as you can.
    Posted by CrazySiga on 12 Jan 17 at 04:03
    DixxxxxonThis worked great for me! I wasn't able to line it up right next to the cars as they passed, so I just literally jumped in front of a car every 10 seconds when my charge cooled down. Popped for me within about 2 minutes of trying (you have to build up to the 70+ before you can start the timer). Thanks!
    Posted by Dixxxxxon on 27 Feb 17 at 22:19
    Was I That BadHas this been patched because the cars don't power my bubble they just knock me back.
    Posted by Was I That Bad on 04 Apr 17 at 01:39
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