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Escort Duty achievement in Overwatch 2

Escort Duty

Push a payload 100 meters without leaving it in Quick or Competitive Play.

Escort Duty0
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How to unlock the Escort Duty achievement

  • PBreezeyPBreezey
    27 May 2016 27 May 2016 27 May 2016
    25 6 6
    Hello and welcome to PBreezey's guide for the Overwatch achievement "Escort Duty"

    To unlock this achievement, you have to push a payload 100 meters without leaving it. So a few pre-requisites: 1. Be playing on a Payload map; and 2. Be on the attacking team.

    While there are invariably a NUMBER of ways to unlock this achievement, there is a way I believe is superior to all others and that way is: Reinhardt

    Reinhardt's cn_LT ability creates a massive shield that absorbs damage (2,000 dmg), and when the shield is not deployed it regenerates its HP back. Simply make your way to the payload, jump on top of it using cn_A and when you begin to take enemy fire simply deploy your shield. If you are not taking fire you need to drop your shield so that it regenerates back to its initial 2k health. Using this method, short of someone coming and knocking you off the payload (like Lucio) or losing your shield by not allowing it to regenerate, you will easily earn the achievement. I got it on my first try using this method.

    Please let me know if I can improve my solution before you downvote. Good luck and happy hunting!
    Showing all 6 comments. Leave a comment.
    KillipoMy only question is, how far is 100 meters? I thought I read somewhere that it's about two checkpoints, but that seems kind of far when you're being flanked constantly.
    Posted by Killipo on 29 Jun 16 at 02:10
    PBreezeyIf I remember correctly, I got this achievement while playing on Hollywood - so after capturing the first objective it switches to Payload. As soon as we capped the point and it switched to Payload, I jumped on top of the payload and just rode it until the achievement popped. I believe I didn't even get to the next checkpoint before the achievement popped.

    However, I feel like different maps have different number of checkpoints and therefore different distances between the checkpoints. For example, Watchpoint: Gibraltar has a lot of check points, but the distance between them is shorter so it may take 2-3 checkpoints before you hit 100 meters; but with maps like Hollywood, Kings Road, Numbani and Dorado you have fewer checkpoints and a greater distance between them. I believe Blizzard did this to account for the relative difficulty of pushing the payload past a certain point, so that you have more checkpoints on maps where it is harder to push and is therefore more forgiving.
    Posted by PBreezey on 29 Jun 16 at 13:29
    KillipoFor whatever reason I was picturing Hollywood in my head when I asked my question, so that's a good answer. Somewhere under the distance from Objective A to the first payload checkpoint on Hollywood. Thanks. smile

    I guess another thing to note is that when you have four of your team around the payload, you will cover that distance quicker.
    Posted by Killipo on 29 Jun 16 at 13:45
    Recreat3Got this on kings row. As soon as we captured the point i stayed on the payload and once i reached the first checkpoint, it popped.
    Posted by Recreat3 on 11 Aug 16 at 02:19
    KillipoI ended up getting mine with Zarya on Dorado. Zarya is a very good hero to disrupt any flankers that try to get you off the payload, and you can still support your team with team barriers and by bombing from a distance/flanking routes up close.

    Reinhardt becomes a target very quickly, and flankers tend to tear him apart if he is trying to stay stationary on the payload. Zarya at least blocks all directions at once and can attack while protected, so I found it a bit easier with her. Rein is still an easier hero to play as, and an extremely good candidate for the achievement, though. But if you're a good Zarya player I'd recommend trying her as well.
    Posted by Killipo on 12 Aug 16 at 18:47
    TheGreatKoalaI wouldn't recommend standing on top of the payload, but rather standing behind it
    Posted by TheGreatKoala on 04 Apr 17 at 11:41
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