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Did That Sting? achievement in Overwatch 2

Did That Sting?

Kill 4 enemies using Widowmaker's Venom Mine during a single Quick or Competitive Play game.

Did That Sting?0
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How to unlock the Did That Sting? achievement

  • LegendaryMarvelLegendaryMarvel
    29 May 2016 29 May 2016
    23 0 1
    For this, as well as many of the other "get 'x' kills" achievements, you do not need to get the final blow. Just get some damage on a player and then have them get killed.

    Keep in mind that you can only have one mine active at a time.

    The best thing to do for this is just launching your mine into team fire fights. This will work best on Control maps by launching them into the control point, or on Escort maps by launching them at/near the back end of the payload (when on the defensive side, or the front end of the payload on the attacking side). I earned mine on the defending side of an Escort map. Hope this helps someone else!
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    Fluke939Confirmed, final blow not needed.
    To give folks an idea of what counts, my four kills consisted of two where the mine was triggered and I finished off the enemy with the rifle, one where the poison damage finished off the enemy, and one where the mine did a little damage and someone finished the enemy off whilst I was dead.
    I didn't go for this for a long time, but really it was easier than I expected
    Posted by Fluke939 on 04 Jun 21 at 00:13
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