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Pacifist achievement in Neon Chrome


Finish a normal level without using abilities, weapons or melee.


How to unlock the Pacifist achievement

  • BeanpotterBeanpotter
    02 Jul 2016 29 Jul 2016
    13 1 4
    Leg it! (also don't shoot anything or hit anything!)

    Shoot = cn_RT (don't do that!)
    Special weapon = cn_LT (definitely don't do this!)
    Melee = press the cn_RS (don't do this either!)

    The earlier levels are easier and shorter but it's still too easy to die at the beginning if you've not leveled up yet. Collect yourself some lovely money (Hacker earns the most and Luck will help you get more from the loot boxes) and spend it on levelling up your health. You then need to be able to run from the entrance (Blue elevator box) to the exit (Green elevator box). I don't think running in to a special level (Purple elevator box) would work as it doesn't count as a finished level until you complete the extra level too.

    Some levels require you to destroy a certain amount of targets before the exit will open. Obviously, these levels wouldn't work for this achievement. You'll know if it's one of those levels as there will be orange text at the top of the screen that says something like '0/4 Targets Destroyed'.

    Good luck!
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    BeanpotterThe levels are different each time so that's why I said one of the earlier levels (once you've powered up a bit). I can't tell you any more than that, sorry.
    Posted by Beanpotter on 29 Jan 17 at 13:32
    Broon43Thanks for the ideas. I just unlocked this without doing any of those things, on level 1. You are correct, that the levels are different each time. I did have to kill a keymaster to grab a red key to get through to the exit. How did I do that? I looted a box that had a vampire drain ability. I was able to use that and kill the keymaster, grabbed the key, unlocked the red door and ran to the exit. The achievement unlocked about 10 seconds later. I just made sure NOT to fire any weapons or melee. Good luck!
    Posted by Broon43 on 21 Jul 19 at 22:54
    II Dish IImanaged to do this 3 times as well as the 20 seconds one but still no cheev, what a fucking joke
    Posted by II Dish II on 26 Mar 23 at 12:54
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