Leg it! (also don't shoot anything or hit anything!)
Shoot =

(don't do that!)
Special weapon =

(definitely don't do this!)
Melee = press the

(don't do this either!)
The earlier levels are easier and shorter but it's still too easy to die at the beginning if you've not leveled up yet. Collect yourself some lovely money (Hacker earns the most and Luck will help you get more from the loot boxes) and spend it on levelling up your health. You then need to be able to run from the entrance (Blue elevator box) to the exit (Green elevator box). I don't think running in to a special level (Purple elevator box) would work as it doesn't count as a finished level until you complete the extra level too.
Some levels require you to destroy a certain amount of targets before the exit will open. Obviously, these levels wouldn't work for this achievement. You'll know if it's one of those levels as there will be orange text at the top of the screen that says something like '0/4 Targets Destroyed'.
Good luck!