126 17 9Actions Load an exhibition 2v2 set to no bots, and hit it in from the start and you will get the cheevo.Also to get the Left Wing, Right Wing Cheevo, set mutator to 1 goal each game, and run this twice.EDIT: Apparently the arena needs to be "DFH Stadium (Snowy)" to unlock properly.Guide not helping? View 2 more guides for this achievement.Showing most recent comments. View all comments. My friends, please set the Game Mode to "Snow Day" and select the Arena "DFH Stadium (Snowy)", you should play a Hockey Game them.Like this: https://imgur.com/a/lUp6tLIPosted by sergioforte on 02 Apr 20 at 18:25 For those interested the achievement works again with this guidePosted by JeeperCreeperMC on 21 Jun 20 at 18:06 Eu consegui. Pra funcionar, você precisa chutar a bola no seu lado do seu campo, a bola atravessa todo o lado do adversário.Posted by BrEmersonFR on 10 Aug 20 at 11:27 Leave a comment
20 2 1Actions Set up a 2v2 or 1v1 Snow Day game with friends or if you have an extra controller do that. Have the other person (or you yourself) gently tap the puck toward your side and then boost into it for a straight shot into the goal. If at first you don't succeed, score a goal normally and that will reset your chances.We tried it right from center and it didn't unlock, but it looks like other people are having luck. The gentle tap for insurance to make sure it's on your side of the ice is worthwhile in my view since all of us got it without issues by doing it that way.You can also get this achievement in online multiplayer or a regular private match by scoring a long goal, but where's the fun in that? Haha.Showing only comment. I got a long shot in multiplayer but no achievement :(Posted by michaelused on 23 Jan 17 at 02:14