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Budding Artist achievement in Rocket League

Budding Artist

Collect a Painted Item

Budding Artist0
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How to unlock the Budding Artist achievement

  • White WyvernWhite Wyvern
    21 Jun 2016 21 Jun 2016 09 Mar 2017
    103 21 149
    You can only unlock painted items online.

    I simply played 5 matches of Standard 3v3 online (the game mode does not matter) and unlocked a Painted Top Hat at the end of the fifth game.

    It may take longer for you though since it is down to luck and will unlock at random.

    Note: There is apparently a 10 hour weekly limit to earning rewards, if you find you are no longer earning items simply wait until the following week.

    * With the last update trading was introduced into the game. You can now receive Painted and Certified items via another player. The achievement has been reported to be rather glitchy when unlocking via trading.

    However, according to user MacWhyte after recieving your painted item from a friend, switching profiles at the main menu and then switching back to your profile unlocks the achievement immediately. If not then waiting 24 hours after you received the painted item works as well according to many users.

    Guide not helping? View 6 more guides for this achievement.

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    JanSH4DOWI can confirm you can get the achievement if a friend is trading you a painted item.
    Because I played Rocket League before via Steam I already had many painted items so I traded one painted item from me for one painted item from my mate. Achievement unlocked straight after it.
    Posted by JanSH4DOW on 18 Apr 21 at 14:25
    GJChesterShould I get these as a drop in game? I have blueprints for a painted item, but not got the item without paying mody to make the blueprint. TA says I've been playing 15 hours so far :)
    Posted by GJChester on 19 Apr 21 at 07:30
    magiccigamHad issues getting a painted item. Turned out that painted items are not granted as a random rewards after a match anymore. Only through cup rewards and objectives.
    I finally got mine by completing 22/24 free objectives. As a rewards I got three drop boxes and all of them contained a painted item.
    Posted by magiccigam on 27 May at 10:42
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  • The CrynetThe Crynet
    22 Jun 2016 22 Jun 2016 23 Jun 2016
    I unlocked my painted item online!
    As we know, you can only unlock them online!

    You simply have to play online games.

    - It doesn't matter which typ of matches they are (3v3, 2v2, ...).
    (I unlocked mine while playing with a friend 2v2 unranked)

    - It also doesn't matter if they are ranked or unranked.

    - And it also doesn't matter if you lose or win the game.
    (I lost my match 3:5)

    It's simply based on luck! You can unlock the painted item after 5 or after 50 matches.
    Just keep playing and you will get it.

    My Painted Item:
    External image
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    Unmet PlayerI have a painted item to trade for a certified.
    Posted by Unmet Player on 18 Oct 16 at 05:54
    lordieeauHey All,

    I was struggling with this achievement for ages but believe i've finally cracked it through a combination of all solutions posted on the internet and seeing so many comments about people unlocking after they had a second painted item - Try this out!

    Potential Solution To Bug:
    Note: You will need someone else with 10 minutes and 2 painted items for this method to work

    Firstly, Get your achievement hunting sidekick to trade you one painted item without you trading anything back in return. Then, equip the item and head into any online game. If it doesn't unlock immediately after the trade, or after completing the game with the equipped item, hard reset your Xbox (Press and hold the X on the console down for 10 seconds) with the item still equipped.

    Restart your Xbox and grab hold of your achievement hunting sidekick again so they can trade you their second item; without you trading anything in return. Achievement popped up immediately after I had the second item in my inventory with my painted tires still equipped on my car. If this doesn't work straight away I would recommend repeating the process or just keep trading back and forth until it does pop-up. Always keep one painted item equipped however!

    Let me know if this works and I'll spread the word.

    Posted by lordieeau on 01 Feb 17 at 21:16
    transkyman4 years later and this is still a struggle. I've played like 50 games. I haven't gotten painted or certified items. Anyone willing to trade?
    Posted by transkyman on 15 May 20 at 18:02
  • SkelzorgeSkelzorge
    19 Feb 2017 19 Feb 2017 25 Mar 2017
    24 0 6
    I have a solution for those who have had this achievement glitch on them. Everyone seems to be saying it works.

    1. Sign out of your main account
    2. Sign into an alt account
    3. Start a public online match
    4. During the match, press the Xbox button and sign in your main account
    5. Go back to Rocket League and you should see a message saying "Primary User has no controller". Select the "Quit" option.
    6. You should be taken back to the title screen. Press any button to go to the main menu.
    7. You will be signed in on your main account in Rocket League and hopefully the achievement will unlock.

    I unlocked a painted item and the achievement did not unlock. So I tried equipping the item and completing an online match and still nothing. Then I tried restarting my console and doing the same thing again and still nothing.

    Due to the 10 hour limit on earning items, I farmed items on an alt account, trying to get a painted item but had no luck. So I did exactly what was mentioned in the solution by accident and the achievement finally unlocked.

    I hope this solution helps you get your achievement.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    Capta1nMattSolution one worked! Thank you
    Posted by Capta1nMatt on 25 Mar 17 at 02:05
    Absohailsolution works. Thanks man.
    Posted by Absohail on 26 Mar 17 at 21:13
    Juifnot working for me... patched ?
    Posted by Juif on 21 Jul 18 at 21:34
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