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Drawn Out achievement in Drawful 2

Drawn Out

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How to unlock the Drawn Out achievement

  • CorticusMaximusCorticusMaximus
    28 Jun 2016 28 Jun 2016 22 Dec 2016
    I just wanted to ad on to Gamer Jameo's guide since he brought up only drawing with one account. I just found a way to do games in 4 minute while idle.

    Here are the steps to this method

    1. Start a game with 7 or 8 players using multiple browsers (this makes it so you omly have to draw one picture)
    2. Enter a drawing with only one person
    3. just sit idle until the game ends and then hit same players
    P.S. If you login the first person on a mobile device and leave xbox running you can start new games if you just check you phone every 4-5 minutes

    That's it guys, hope this helps. Once again credit goes to Gamer Jameo for the original guide, I just sort of improved on it.

    Good Luck with this achievement everybody!

    Guide not helping? View 3 more guides for this achievement.

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    Flopsy86I'm glad Jackbox games didn't make a habit of making achievements like this. Can you imagine if all 5 games in each of their party packs had a "play 50 games of [insert games here]" achievement.

    There was that one Trivia Murder Party 2 achievement with the Father Hat though....
    and then that achievement made a return in the Jackbox Party Starter....

    Anyway, this took me 43 straight back to back games. Had a few disconnects (2 of which occurred at the results screen), these are not counted in the 43. I did play this game a few years back so the other 7 games must have come from that.
    Posted by Flopsy86 on 03 Jan at 17:36
    CriticalRespawnBest solution for this achievement, thanks!
    Posted by CriticalRespawn on 21 Jan at 00:29
    supermmAchievement tracker not showing any progress but achievement will unlock.
    Posted by supermm on 09 Dec at 14:06
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  • AntAnt#2827
    26 Jun 2016 25 Jun 2016 25 Jun 2016
    13 2 9
    Okay so i figured a way how to do this quicker than just playing a game with 3 players that takes around 15 minutes

    1. Start a game with 3 people / 3 tabs on your computer/phone whatever
    2. Only submit a drawing with 1 of the three players
    3. wait it out until you get to the drawing stage again and only draw with 1 of the three people again
    4. now once the answers have been done idle/manually the game will end
    this takes about 7-9 minutes

    this achievement is still a grind but this should shorten the grind as you are only going through 2 drawings and not 6
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    Lord ValoelPerhaps this is a stupid question, but these don't have to be done all in one sitting right? You can spread them out over any number of sessions?
    Posted by Lord Valoel on 24 Jan 17 at 13:41
    III Torpedo IIIyes, you can :)
    Posted by III Torpedo III on 24 Jan 17 at 13:59
    planting42Why draw twice when a 7-8 player game makes you draw once? Its also shorter.
    Posted by planting42 on 27 Dec 20 at 03:14
  • NinjaWolfDragonNinjaWolfDragon
    02 Mar 2024 03 Mar 2024
    So I'm not sure why nobody mentioned this, but there's another method to this achievement that's much much faster. In the settings on the main menu there's an option called Manual Censorship (or something similar) that prevents players from being able to submit drawings. So there's 2 options in this method (the second I list is faster).

    Start the game with 3 players
    On Player 1, censor players 2 and 3 then choose "everybody's in" to start the game
    Draw a picture and submit with Player 1
    Either click "skip this is offensive" or wait for the timer (make sure extended timers is off if you wait as it's 30 seconds instead of 60)
    Repeat for the second round
    Same players

    The second and fastest way is to start with 7-8 players
    On Player 1, censor players 2-7/8 then choose "everybody's in" to start the game
    Draw a picture and submit with Player 1
    Either click "skip this is offensive" or wait for the timer (make sure extended timers is off if you wait as it's 30 seconds instead of 60)
    Same players

    Just do 50 games and you're golden. I personally used Google Chrome. One normal tab, one Incognito tab, and 5 with SessionBox.

    In either option, you can either minimize or even close out of the other player's tabs since you're only using Player 1 (and hopefully just skipping the voting to save time).

    For me I was able to get this one done in about 30 minutes while actively skipping. I just used split screen on Windows and had Jackbox open on the left while I watched a show on the right. I found this in the comments of a Steam guide so I'll link it below. SimulationWithDaniel suggested it and sylvrain gave a more thorough explanation if you're looking.

    Showing both comments.
    LakeshowThis worked perfectly! Thanks so much, saved a ton of time doing it this way
    Posted by Lakeshow on 06 Mar at 22:56
    RiBoPThanks: worked fast and great!
    Posted by RiBoP on 24 Sep at 09:32
There is 1 other guide for this achievement
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