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Captain achievement in Battleship


Play 5 games with the Pirate fleet.

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How to unlock the Captain achievement

  • Kitty SkiesKitty Skies
    02 Aug 2016 02 Aug 2016 16 Aug 2016
    39 1 6
    As stated, there is apparently "No need for all this" but for those who cannot complete the campaign or would like a quick way to get this achievement, please follow below:

    For those like me who cannot access Ubisoft club fortunately there is another way to get the pirate ship. It comes in the shape of a skin in the Hasbro Game Channel. (Yes more useless bloatware app shoveled to our faces)

    From the main menu of Hasbro Game Channel after it decides to load up you must press up and navigate to the middle pane until you get to the rewards and click that to open. You must slide over to Battleship and select the Ghost Skin.

    External image

    Please note this will cost 20M's xD not sure what that currency is but yeah.

    External image

    Then go back to Battleships and then you are able to select the pirates from the game. You must choose the second skin though.

    External image

    Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
    Because they can spend years at C!

    What did the pirate say when his wooden leg got stuck in the freezer?
    Shiver me timbers!

    What do pirates use telephones for?
    Booty calls.
    Showing all 6 comments. Leave a comment.
    Butterfish1What is a pirates favorite letter? Did you say r (arrrrrr)? You would think so, but its actually the C
    Posted by Butterfish1 on 05 Aug 16 at 10:20
    Reaver Lionlaugh
    Posted by Reaver Lion on 07 Aug 16 at 09:22
    Dingus NoobletIt is glitched for me. I played all of the campaign and even set up some local matches with pirate fleet. My progress is locked at 60% :(
    Posted by Dingus Nooblet on 06 Oct 16 at 04:34
    MADeyePadEYEWhat's a pirates favourite shop arrrrrrgos........What's a pirates favourite football team arrrrrsenal............What's a pirates favourite body part yeeeeee arrrrrrse
    Posted by MADeyePadEYE on 09 Oct 16 at 20:00
    Nierly CrazyUbisoft Club doesn't seem to go past the loading screen for me, thankfully I'll be able to go the Hasbro Game Channel route. Thanks!
    Posted by Nierly Crazy on 14 Mar 18 at 14:31
    AthleticMist759The currency symbol they use in the Hasbro Game Channel is from Monopoly Plus and recent versions of Monopoly according to Wikipedia. You can get the in-app currency by completing the various challenges in the Hasbro games that are currently available, for more information on the games and the challenges available please see the Hasbro Game Channel app. I had to load the Hasbro Game Channel from the Xbox One home area though as the option that is provided in Battleship doesn't always work.
    Posted by AthleticMist759 on 06 Aug at 22:02
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